=== Newsletter Form Block for Mailchimp === Contributors: fullworks,alanfuller Donate link: https://ko-fi.com/wpalan Tags: mailchimp, mailchimp form, block, gutenberg, gutenberg block, gutenberg editor Stable tag: 1.02 Tested up to: 6.1 Mailchimp subscribe form block for Gutenberg editor. Simple. Works. No nonsense. == Description == = Mailchimp Block for WordPress = Need to collect some emails using Mailchimp? This is the block for you. Super-easy to use. Start collecting subscribers in minutes. Give your visitors a clean and simple way to subscribe to your newsletter without making your life complicated. This plugin allows you to grow your Mailchimp lists to gain subscribers and reach out to them through your newsletters and more. = About Mailchimp = Mailchimp is a very popular newsletters and bulk email service. One reason it is popular is that it has a generous free account for lists up to 2,000 subscribers. Mailchimp allows you to build and manager your subscriber lists, compose newsletters and emails and send them out to your lists or segments of lists. Whilst there are many ways of putting you opt-in form on your WordPress sites, from embed codes and 'leading' Mailchimp plugins there really is nothing simpler and more straight forward than this plugin. Not yet using Mailchimp? Create a [Mailchimp account in 30 seconds for free.](https://login.mailchimp.com/signup/ "Mailchimp signup") = Plugin Features = Works as any other block with the following settings: * Mailchimp API key * Mailchimp List * Subscription Form Style * Email Field Label * Name Field Label * Submit Button Label * Success Message * Error Message * Submit Error Message * Duplicate Message == Installation == Standard plugin installation and activation process. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Need help? = Please use the support forum [here on wp.org](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/newsletter-form-gutenberg-block-mailchimp/ "Plugin Support") == Screenshots == 1. Mailchimp block in action == Changelog == = 1.02 = * 2018-11-23 * initial release