=== Custom Admin Text Change === Contributors: WPMUDEV, VeBailovity Tags: text change, rebrand, edit text, admin area, backend, buddypress plugin, wpmu, rebranding, buddypress, multisite Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 3.1.2 Stable tag: 2.0.2 Enables you to change every single piece of translated text in your admin area. == Description == Need the ability to change text inside the dashboard of all sites on your network? This is exactly what this powerful plugin does, saving you from the pain of having to make, or remake, a single hack. Simply install in your plugins folder. Once activated you'll see a new 'Text Change' menu below Settings in your network admin dashboard. And you'll be able to quickly change every single piece of translated text in your admin area as simply as adding the new text! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERF_ECnQti8&hd=1] = Some Custom Admin Text Change Features: = * Replace any text within WordPress interface * Replace any text in a registered textdomain Here are some of the features you'll get in the premium version available on WPMU DEV: * Unlimited number of generated text rules. == Installation == = To Install: = 1. Download the plugin file 2. Unzip the file into a folder on your hard drive 3. Upload the `/site-wide-text-change/` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` folder on your site 4. Visit Network Admin -> Plugins and Network Activate it there. = To Set Up And Configure Custom Admin Text Change = * You can find in-depth setup and usage instructions with screenshots here » == Screenshots == == Frequently Asked Questions == = Do I need to be a paid WPMU DEV member? = No. This plugins is offered as is at no charge. A full-featured, premium version is available for purchase on WPMU DEV. What else could I get in the premium version? * Unlimited number of generated text rules **Upgrade to the full version now »** = How do I get support? = We provide comprehensive and guaranteed support on the WPMU DEV forums and live chat only == Screenshots == 1. Settings > Text Change in network admin == Changelog == = 2.0.2 = Initial Lite version.