=== Navayan TinyMCE Pretty Code === Contributors: Amol Nirmala Waman Tags: tinymce, wysiwyg, editor, pretiffy, google prettyprint, google syntax highlighter, prettyprint button, code, inline code, code tag, code button, custom button Requires at least: 3.3+ Tested up to: 3.5.2 Stable tag: 1.1 Donate Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=amolnw2778@gmail.com&item_name=Navayan TinyMCEPretty Code License: GPLv2 Adds PrettyPrint and Code buttons in TinyMCE editor to quickly mark text as code, add 'prettyprint' class in 'pre' tag. == Description == Did you feel stressed when you have to make some text, of your WordPress post, as inline code or to add syntax highlighter class to pre-formatted text? 'Navayan TinyMCE Pretty Code' WordPress plugin will save your time and takes out this weird behavior! It prettifies your inline code and pre-formatted text just by clicking the buttons in TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor! Now you don't need to go to 'Text' mode to find where your `` and/or `
` tags are.

Keyboard shortcuts:
`Alt+Shift+C` for Code button ``
`Alt+Shift+G` for PrettyPrint button `{P}`

Thanks to [pkgw](http://profiles.wordpress.org/pkgw/) for the ground work!


* [Plugin's Homepage](http://blog.navayan.com/wordpress-plugin-navayan-tinymce-pretty-code)
* [Similar Topics](http://blog.navayan.com/wordpress/)
* [Donate](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=amolnw2778@gmail.com&item_name=Navayan TinyMCEPretty Code)
* [Other Options](http://www.navayan.com/donate.php)

== Installation ==

1. Donwload, install and activate the plugin.
2. Goto Add/Edit post or page.
3. Select some text and click on `` button for inline code, or click on `{P}` button to pre-format.

== Screenshots ==

1. 'Code' and 'PrettyPrint' Buttons appeard in TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor

== Changelog ==

= 1.1 (20130725) =
Help information updated

= 1.0 (20130722) =
* Initial release

== Donate ==

[Donate](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=amolnw2778@gmail.com&item_name=Navayan TinyMCEPretty Code)