=== Morbits SMS === Contributors: morbits Author URI: http://wp.morbits.net/morbits-sms/ Tags: SMS,Send SMS,SMS Gateway,Bulk SMS,National SMS, india SMS Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 3.8.1 Stable tag: 0.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Send SMS to any Indian number from wordpress == Description == MorbitsSMS is a plugin lets you to send SMS right from your Wordpress Admin end and to share articles via SMS from all your posts/pages and even from your custom post types MORBITSSMS is consuming credits from morbits gateways (admin.sms.morbitstech.com) and with these credits you can send smses with national scope(indian limits). Again you can upload contacts from CSV files (name,mobile) and add contacts directly one at a time. All Sent messages can be viewed from reports and these reports are filterable with date, number and message body On the front end if opted a share form will appear to share URL to any indian mobile number == Installation == Confirm that PHP EXIF is enabled for your server, download/install plugin and share any post/page/product == Frequently Asked Questions == == Screenshots == 1. Gateway Settings 2. Share article == Changelog == = 0.1 = - Initial Version == Frequently Asked Questions == 1) Validity of my Credits All purchased credits will carry 1 year validity 2)What will happen if i sent an SMS that exceeds 140 characters This will sent as multiple smses of max 140 characters and credits will consume accordingly 3)How long it will take to get my SMS Credits once i paid Max 24 hours , we will send you email once your account is activated 4)How many sender IDs can i change for an account? Sender IDs are allocated as per TRAI rules refer TRAI for more details (Please also note that no special characters allowed such as “Hyphen (-)”, “Underscore (_)”, “Dot (.)”, “Comma (,)”, “ampersand (&)” etc.,) == Upgrade Notice == = 0.1 = This version is the first release.