=== Meritocracy - Near-Powered Gamification Plugin for WordPress === Contributors: mycred,wpexpertsio Tags: mycred, web3, blockchain, near protocol, cryptocurrency Requires at least: 4.8 Tested up to: 6.5.2 Stable tag: 1.2 Requires PHP: 7.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Meritocracy is a Near protocol-powered gamification plugin for WordPress. == Description == Meritocracy is a Near protocol-powered gamification plugin for WordPress that enable users to use crypto as reward tokens. The world's first near-powered gamification plugin uses myCred's point management system technology to gamify your website so you can create loyalty and rewards programs. **Meritocracy is dependent on [myCred](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mycred/) – a free-to-use points management plugin for WordPress.** == Increase customer engagement without spending a fortune on marketing efforts. == Meritocracy's technology of buying and selling crypto tokens is called BuyNear and CashNear. These features empower users to purchase or sell their tokens on your website with exchange rates that you set. User-bought Near tokens will be converted into myCred points that can be spent on activities performed on your website. Users can also earn these points through reward-based events and triggers. = Meritocracy Features = * Users can purchase myCred points using Near tokens * Users can withdraw myCred points for Near tokens * Transfer myCred points between users. * Users can submit a withdrawal request for their points. * Set up exchange rates for myCred points. * Connect multiple payment gateways to your websites like Stripe and Coinbase. * Connect the website to your digital crypto wallet. * buyCred Payment Gateways include PayPal, BitPya, NetBilling, Skrill, and Bank Transfer. * [cashCred Payment Gateways](https://mycred.me/store/cashcred-paypal/) include Bank Transfer and CashNear. = Why use Meritocracy? = Meritocracy allows you to gamify your website and monetize products and activities in exchange for myCred points which are bought with Near crypto. Website users can earn myCred points just by doing activities such as logging in or posting a comment. Here are some examples of how Meritocracy can be used: * Games that use a play-to-earn paradigm, which allows players to earn points as they play. * Enabling the exchange of digital assets such as digital photos, memes, and video clips. * Learning management systems that reward points for course completion. * eCommerce stores where purchasing can be done with points. * Reward users with points for activities like joining a community, leaving comments, publishing content, logging in, or just visiting your website once a day. = What is myCred? = [myCred](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mycred/) is an intelligent and adaptive points management system that allows you to build and manage a broad range of digital rewards including points, ranks, badges, and cashback on your WordPress/WooCommerce powered website == Need help setting it up? == Read the [technical documentation](https://meritocracy.mycred.me/) to view the walkthrough guide for the Meritocracy plugin. You will also find supporting screenshots to help you set up the plugin. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuK1Efbbdq8] == Requirements == * myCred v2.4+ * Meritocracy == Screenshots == 1. **CashNear shortcode to withdraw points** 2. **Transfer points to other users** 3. **Connecting CashNear Payment Gateway** 4. **BuyNear payment form setup** 5. **Withdrawl using CashNear** 6. **cashCred withdrawl log** 7. **Buying points with Near coins" == Upgrade Notice == = 1.2 = - **TWEAK** - Compatible with WordPress Version 6.5.2. = 1.1 = New features. = 1.0.2 = Improvements. = 1.0.1 = Code improvement. = 1.0 = Initial release. == Changelog == = 1.2 = - **TWEAK** - Compatible with WordPress Version 6.5.2. = 1.1 = - **NEW** - Added integration with MyNearWallet. = 1.0.2 = - **TWEAK** - Improved mainnet transaction Api = 1.0.1 = - **TWEAK** - Compatible with WordPress Version 6.2.2. = 1.0 = Initial release.