=== ImageRecycle pdf & image compression === Contributors: ImageRecycle Tags: image compression, image optimization, image compress, image resizer, image resizer, image reduce, image compressor, image compression, media, image, pdf, optimize, compression, compress, resize, reduce, lossless, lossy, optimization, photo, picture, seo Requires at least: 3.5.1 Tested up to: 4.3 Stable tag: 1.1.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html ImageRecycle pdf & image compression. Make your WordPress website load faster by using an automatic image and pdf optimization. == Description == **ImageRecycle is an automatic Image and PDF content optimizer for WordPress website.** Your customers are waiting for your pages to load, it can takes long, especially on mobile devices. Even content is served fast by the server, slow connection can make your users leaving. People are impatient in front a slow loading website, that's the result of a recent study, 4 second loading causing 24% of visitors to leave (Source statistica.com.). Content optimization is more efficient than any other optimization tool. ### WordPress image optimization Images can represent from 60% to 80% of a page weight, so an optimization can accelerate your page loading by x3 or more. With an average of 25% of users that leave your website after 4 second of loading page, this is something crucial for your online business. And it's even more important on mobile devices were connection are usually slower. ### Reduce image and pdf, not quality The jpg, png, gif optimization algorithm is capable of reducing the image size by up to 85% (5x +), while the resulting photos are visually identical to the originals. We believe that image and pdf compression is a matter preserving the quality then reduce the size. Reducing the image and pdf size can be done using a massive compression of data and result a worsened quality. We detect already compressed media and return original files. ### WooCommerce and third party plugin compatible The plugin is highly configurable and you can choose media from any folder on your FTP. So it will works with all third party plugins including WooCommerce. Plus, you can of course optimize media from other folders (multiple site, other CMS,...) **Test full service for free during 15 days.** **Main features:** - Compress automatically new images & pdf - Compress automatically existing images & pdf - Determine witch folder to optimize - 1 month all media backup and one click restore - Image automatic max size resizing - Define an optimization quality per media type (jpg, png, gif, pdf) - Define a min and max size to optimize - Optimize png, jpg, gif **More details here:** https://www.imagerecycle.com/cms/wordpress = How to optimize images with wordPress plugin: = [vimeo https://vimeo.com/137127106] = Video presentation: = [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3ux1kJU0I8] == Installation == 1. Install the plugin using WordPress standard uploader or upload unzipped plugin files to `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Configuation plugin is available in Settings > imageRecycle menu 4. Enter API and secret key, configure the optimization process 5. New images are automatically optimized, existing media can be optimized using the menu Media > ImageRecycle == Frequently Asked Questions == * Can I test the sevice? Yes, there a trial version during 15 days for 100Mo of media optimimization is available. Register a free account here: https://www.imagerecycle.com/prices * Can I use the service on multiple site? It's possible on single and multiple server WordPress install. Once you are a member, you can create unlimited sub accounts for your clients with dedicated credentials, it's free! == Screenshots == 1. ImageRecycle jpg image compression, before/after 1. Media optimization dashboard automatic optimization and one click restore 1. Credentials, folder to optimize, image resizing and optimization file size 1. Optimization setting per media type 1. Existing media single or bulk optimization, automatic for new media 1. Select folder to include/exclude from optimization process == Changelog == = 1.1.2 : = * Fix some default settings values not set = 1.1.1 : = * Add quick api key and secret selection for already created accounts = 1.1.0 : = * Add quick account creation from the plugin * Enhanced returned error messages from API * Fix default folder value not set = 1.0.4 : = * Fix folder conflict with wp-media-folder ( http://www.joomunited.com/wordpress-products/wp-media-folder ) * Fix warning = 1.0.3 : = * Add folder tree to include folders = 1.0.2 : = * Add text presentation = 1.0.1 : = * Fix bulk optimization stuck on some servers = 1.0.0 : = * Initial release == Upgrade Notice == **Uninstall old version, re-install the new version** == Requirements == PHP 5.3+