=== Google buzz this Button === Contributors: purab, wordpressapi Donate link: http://digcms.com/about-us/ Tags: Google, google buzz, buzz, voting, button, tweetmeme Requires at least: 2.7.2 Tested up to: 3.6.1 Stable tag: 1.4 The Google Buzz button easily allows your blog to be shared. == Description == The Google Buzz button easily allows your blog to be shared. Tested upto 3.0 #### Functionality * New - Google buzz button. Integrates the ability to share your post with one click. == Installation == Follow the steps below to install the plugin. 1. Upload the google buzz directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in wp 3. Go to "Google Buzz" option to configure the button == Screenshots == 1. Preview of google buzz button with count on your blog == Help == For help and support please contact us at contact [at] digcms.com == Frequently Asked Questions == coming soon == Changelog == coming soon == Upgrade Notice == coming soon