=== Genesis Toolbar === Contributors: elgeeko Donate link: http://www.elgeeko.com/the-coffee-can Tags: toolbars, genesis, elgeeko Requires at least: 3.2.1 Tested up to: 3.2.1 Stable tag: 0.2.0 The toolbar plugin adds a powerful row of buttons below each contact, and a whole lot more! == Description == The toolbar plugin adds a powerful row of buttons below each contact. These buttons allow you to add tasks, print letters, send emails, record phone logs, send text messages, add tags and categories, store relationships, attach files, change contact photos, access and record notes, remove contacts and a whole lot more! Each button can be turned on or off from the admin area. If you do not need to print letters? Just turn that button off, it is that simple.The Toolbar was designed to be extended with other PlugIns as needed. To illustrate this we have written an [Edit Contact] PlugIn that adds a button to the Toolbar that allows you to edit the contacts basic information like their address and phone numbers. We have also created another extension called [Extend Contact] that will let you add grouped custom fields so you can record exactly the information you need. The Toolbar works directly within the page without reloading, making it easy to manage your contacts without leaving your list. This PlugIn contains 3 shortcodes you can use to create a few pages you might want to use; [-ShowTasks-], [-DeskMan-], [-ShowUserNotes-], [-ShowTasks-] will create a page listing all of your open and overdue tasks. There is an Option in the admin area to turn on a Weekly Schedule for this page. [-DeskMan-] will give you a page that shows all tasks due today and the 10 most recently added contacts. [-ShowUserNotes-] will create a page that lists all of the notes created by individual users, users from a single location or all users. This lists more than just user notes and can display tasks, phone log entries and system notes. This PlugIn is the most important Genesis PlugIn we have released and will continue to grow and change based on user feedback. If you have an idea or notice a bug then please post a comment and let us know. == Installation == (It is assumed that Rolopress and a Rolopress Child Theme have already been installed) 1. Download Genesis Toolbar 2. Go to Admin Menu of Wordpress 3. Open Plugins tab 4. Select Add New 5. Click upload 6. Point to the downloaded .zip file 7. Activate plugin 8. Configure plugin