=== Frontend Admin - Add and edit posts, pages, users and more all from the frontend === Contributors: shabti, jacoblevitan Tags: frontend posting, frontend editing Requires at least: 4.6 Tested up to: 5.8.1 Stable tag: 3.3.2 Requires PHP: 5.6.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html This awesome plugin allows you to easily display frontend admin forms on your site so your clients can easily edit content by themselves from the frontend. == Description == This awesome plugin allows you to easily display frontend admin forms on your site so your clients can easily edit content by themselves from the frontend. You can create awesome forms with our form builder to allow users to save custom meta data to pages, posts, users, and more. Then use our Gutenberg block or shortcode to easily display the form for your users. So, what can this plugin do for you? == FREE Features == 1. No Coding Required Give the end user the best content managment experience without having to know code. It’s all ready to go right here. 2. Edit Posts Let your users edit posts from the frontend of their site without having to access the WordPress dashboard. 3. Add Posts Let your users publish new posts from the frontend using the “new post” widget 4. Delete Posts Let your users delete or trash posts from the frontend using the “trash button” widget 5. Edit User Profile Allow users to edit their user data easily from the frontend. 6. User Registration Form Allow new users to register to your site with a built in user registration form! You can even hide the WordPress dashboard from these new users. 7. Hide Admin Area Pick and chose which users have acess to the WordPress admin area. 8. Configure Permissions Choose who sees your form based on user role or by specific users. 9. Modal Popup Display the form in a modal window that opens when clicking a button so that it won’t take up any space on your pages. == PRO Features == 1. Edit Global Options If you have global data – like header and footer data – you can create an options page using ACF and let your users edit from the frontend. (Option to add options pages without coding coming soon) 2. Limit Submits Prevent all or specific users from submitting the form more than a number of times. 3. Send Emails Set emails to be sent and map the ACF form data to display in the email fields such as the email address, the from address, subject, and message. 4. Style Tab Use Elementor to style the form and as well the buttons. 5. Multi Step Forms Make your forms more engaging by adding multiple steps. 6. Stripe and Paypal Accept payments through Stripe or Paypal upon form submission. 7. Woocommerce Intergration Easily add Woocomerce products from the frontend. Purchase your copy here at the official website: [Frontend Admin website](https://www.frontendadmin.com/) == Useful Links == Appreciate what we're doing? Want to stay updated with new features? Give us a like and follow us on our facebook page: [Frontend Admin Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/frontendadmin/) The Pro version has even more cool features. Check it out at the official website: [Frontend Admin website](https://www.frontendadmin.com/) Check out our other plugin, which let's you dynamically query your posts more easily: [Advanced Post Queries for Elementor](https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-post-queries/) == Installation == 1. Make sure both Advanced Custom Fields and Frontend Admin are installed and activated. 2. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/acf-frontend-form-elements` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress 4. Create a form under Frontend Admin > forms. 5. Choose the desired form type. 6. Configure the fields permisions, display, and other settings as you please. 7. Now you should an acf form on the frontend for editing a post, adding a post, editing or adding a user, and more. == Tutorials == = Installating Frontend Admin = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qio9iHzpMLo = How to create a form for frontend data submission = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vrW8hx5jlE == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I send emails through this form? = You can use a ACF "action hook" to send emails when this form is registered. See here for reference. If you purchase our pro version, you will be able to configure this from the widget without any code. You will be able to send any number of emails upon form submission. = Can I let users set post categories through this form? = Yes. Simply add a taxonomy field and set the taxonomy type to Category == Screenshots == 1. The New Post Form widget enables users to add new posts to a custom or WordPress standard post type from the frontend of a WordPress website, without needing to interact with the WordPress dashboard. The page to host the form is built in Elementor. Important: By default a user needs to be logged in and carry the “administrator” role to add a post. This can be changed, however, in the Permissions settings of this widget. 2. The Field Type defines the type of field being edited. Changing this will affect the other available options. All the field types have options which can be changed to customize both the content and the style of the field. 3. Here we have several options for additional actions to take place outside the form itself. You can define where the page should redirect to after submitting. By default it will reload the current Page/Post. We can choose to redirect to the live post by selecting Custom URL. You can also define a custom success message, or choose no success message, whatever suits your needs. 4. This is where we limit which kinds of users can access the form. It is very important to configure this correctly, as otherwise your users might not be able to see the form at all! By default, only administrators can see the form. If you want to allow other users to access it, you need to add them. You can choose Roles under the Select By Role option, or add specific users under the Select By User option. 5. The Edit Post Form widget enables users to edit existing posts from the frontend of a WordPress website, without needing to interact with the WordPress dashboard. == Changelog == #### 3.3.2 - 2021-12-16 * included acf pro in pro version #### 3.3.1 - 2021-12-16 * Fixed frontend_admin prefix in form shortcode copy button #### 3.3.0 - 2021-12-09 * Added request for plugin review after 10 submissions, 100 submissions, and 1000 submissions * Fixed upgrade notice to dismiss without page reload #### 3.2.17 - 2021-12-08 * Fixed submit button field not rendering * Fixed display name field index error * Fixed confirm password field showing in submission approvals #### 3.2.16 - 2021-12-08 * Added all ACF Frontend features to Frontend Admin. * Removed dependency on Elementor. Frontend Admin is now a stand alone plugin * You can now create custom fields with Frontend Admin by using the form builder. * Frontend Admin users will now benefit from more frequent updates. * Fixed conflict with ACF Frontend #### 2.0.1 - 2020-12-04 * Add Product attributes field and product variations field #### 2.0.0 - 2020-12-04 * Fixed bug preventing post title from updating * Fixed bug preventing Frontend Admin options from updating * Added Woocommerce Variable product support in pro #### 1.0.6 - 2020-11-01 * Fixed bug #### 1.0.5 - 2020-10-28 * Pro Release #### 1.0.4 - 2020-10-24 * Fixed errors #### 1.0.2 - 2020-10-22 * Added dynamic tag to display Frontend Admin custom fields on frontend #### 1.0.1 - 2020-10-21 * First Live Version - Enjoy (: == Upgrade Notice == = 3.2.18 = This is a major update. Please backup your site before updating and if you have any issues, please contact support@frontendadmin.com