=== Floating Social Media Links === Contributors: celloexpressions Tags: social media, facebook, youtube, twitter, floating frame, links, icons Requires at least: 3.3.0 Tested up to: 3.4.0 (RC1) Stable tag: 0.0 Add a clean and simple floating frame with social media and custom links to your website/blog. Fully customizable with a robust array of options! == Description == Floating Social Media Links is a new Wordpress Plugin designed to allow anyone to add a simple floating frame to their wordpress website/blog, which contains icons and links to their social media and partners' websites. Although similar Wordpress plugins do exist, the purpose of this plugin is to give highly customizable options and move away from "like" "share" and "subscribe" buttons in favor of simple, stylish links (although like, etc. buttons can still be optionally included). My favorite feature amongst the robust array of options is the ability to add up to seven (7) custom links with custom uploadable thumbnails. This allows you to link to your other projects, your blog, or anything else you want right next to the other links. == Installation == 1. Download the .zip file and upload the unzipped folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Ensure that the `` and `` action hooks are in your theme's header.php and footer.php files templates 1. Enter your links, choose appearance settings, and set the first general option to YES to activate the frame on your site == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I include a facebook like / twitter follow / youtube subscribe button in the frame? How? = Simply go to the "buttons" tab on the settings page and check the boxes for the buttons that you would like to show. = How do I open the custom appearance color scheme settings? = Once you click on the "custom" color scheme option, all of the associated settings will appear. = Why can't I upload custom images for my custom links? When I use the uploader the image I choose doesn't get saved. = There is a known bug which prevents the image uploader from working properly when you are using some Wordpress themes (this only happens very rarely). If this happens, you can go ahead and upload an image with the uploader, then manually paste the url into the image url textbox. == Screenshots == 1. Sample view on a blog using default appearance settings and some custom links 2. Admin Screens == Changelog == = 1.0.0 = * First publically available version of the plugin. * Compatible with Wordpress 3.3.0 through 3.4.0 = 0.8 = * This and all previous versions are initial development versions == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.0 = No one should need to upgrade to 1.0.0, but if you do, it is the first fully functional version of the plugin.