=== Filter Addon For Elementor === Contributors: sharabindu Tags: isotope,elementor,masonry,filter addon,filter,isotope filter Requires at least: 4.0 or higher Tested up to: 5.5 Requires PHP: 5.7 or higher License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html It is a Filter addon for elementor which allows to create attractive masonry portfolio filters, product filters, and post-filters == Description == Filter Addon for Elementor is for portfolio masonry filter for your elementor website Attractive layout design, 3 types of column layouts,amazing buttons, and more than 40+ control settings that allow the user to customize easily. **Free Version Features** * Portfolio Filter(custom post type) * 2,3, and 4 column Layout * Smooth hover effect * 40+ Control Panel Settings * Pagination Read More Button **Pro Version Features** * 10 Unique Layout Design * Portfolio,Product and Post Filter * 12+ Cool Filter Button Style * 5 unique Portfolio Template(included) **[Demo Link][plugin page]** [plugin page]: http://elfi.sharabindu.com/wp/demo-portfolio-masonry/ " Filter Addon For Elementor Demo" **[Documentation Link][full documentation]** [full documentation]: https://sharabindu.com/docunents/masonry-filter-adoon-for-elementor/ " Filter Addon For Elementor Documentation" **[Premium Version][get pro]** [get pro]: https://sharabindu.com/plugins/masonry-filter-addon/ "Filter Addon For Elementor" **Video Documentation** == Installation == Go to the Plugins Menu in WordPress and select Plugins > Add new Search for “ Filter Addon For Elementor” Click “Install” and “activate”. == Screenshots == 1. Filter Addon For Elementor Admin Bar Addition in the default state (screenshot-1.jpg) 2. Filter Addon For Elementor Admin Bar Addition in the default state (screenshot-2.jpg) 3. Filter Addon For Elementor Admin Bar Addition in the default state (screenshot-3.jpg) 4. Filter Addon For Elementor Admin Bar Addition in the default state (screenshot-4.png) 5. Filter Addon For Elementor Admin Bar Addition in the default state (screenshot-5.png) 6. Filter Addon For Elementor Admin Bar Addition in the default state (screenshot-6.png) == Changelog == = 1.0.0 = *Added plugin == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.0 = *Added plugin