2009-08-15 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Improved the error dump UI so that the dump is separated into multiple sections: URL, Response, Request and Log. * client.php: Made the `fs_fetch_feedburner_data` function pass the entire HTTP engine to the output, not just the log. 2009-08-15 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Made the logging information from the `fs_fetch_feedburner_data` function be outputted on the "Unknown Error" screen. * client.php: Added the logging information to the result array for the `fs_fetch_feedburner_data` function. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Tweaked the JavaScript that is run at page load so that if only one tab is displayed, the tab that is being displayed is selected. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * parser.php: Added the `fs_have_stat` function to determine if there are stats available for views and clicks. * feed-stats.php: Set up the plugin so that if there are no clicks or views, the respective tab is not shown. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * readme.txt: Mentioned that SimpleTest is now being used to improve code quality and that the initial user experience has been improved in the notes about 1.0.6. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * style.css.php: Removed the ugly underline of the text in the tabs for WordPress 2.3 and below. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Modified the data loading code so that if no number of days to view stats for is set, it defaults to ten. * templates\settings.php: If no number of days to view stats for is set, 10 is displayed. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * client.php: Tweaked the `fs_load_feedburner_data` function so that it properly returns the "Configuration needed" error to the user. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Added a placeholder `admin_url` function to make sure that WordPress 2.3.x and WordPress 2.5.x work without errors. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * parser.php: Updated the GPL statement. * feed-stats.php: Updated the GPL statement. * templates\test.php: Updated the GPL statement. * templates\settings.php: Updated the GPL statement. * templates\troubleshooting.php: Updated the GPL statement. * templates\header.php: Updated the GPL statement. * tests\client.php: Added a GPL statement. * client.php: Updated the GPL statement. * render.php: Updated the GPL statement. * lang.php: Updated the GPL statement. * readme.txt: Changed the name of the plugin from "FeedBurner Feed Stats" to "Feed Stats for WordPress." * js\tabs.js: Added a GPL statement. * js\test.js: Added a GPL statement. * style.css.php: Updated the GPL statement. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * readme.txt: Changed the "Tested Up To" field of the plugin to 2.8.2, which is the latest version of WordPress. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * readme.txt: Added information to the Changelog section of the readme file. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Fixed the link to the configuration page from the plugin management page. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * render.php: Formatted the dates in the tables according to the date_format settings in WordPress. This makes it a lot easier on the eyes. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Modified the `get_plugin_folder` function so that it is faster and runs properly on Windows-based servers. 2009-07-30 Jonathan Wilde * readme.txt: Updated the title of the plugin, since the plugin's name is being changed from "FeedBurner Feed Stats" to "Feed Stats for WordPress". Updated the summary and disclaimers. Added a FAQ item about whether the plugin polls FeedBurner continuously. 2009-07-29 Jonathan Wilde * build.xml: Updated the "preptag" target so that the copying.txt and changelog.txt files are properly copied to the tag. 2009-07-29 Jonathan Wilde * changelog.xsl: Tweaked the spacing of items in the stylesheet so that there are two spaces before the person's name instead of one; this ensures that we're using proper GNU ChangeLog format. 2009-07-29 Jonathan Wilde * build.xml: Updated the "changelog" target to deal with the ChangeLog being renamed to changelog.txt. The temporary files created while generating the changelog entry (eg. ChangeLog-com) were renamed to match this naming convention. 2009-07-18 Jonathan Wilde * COPYING.txt: Originally named COPYING. * COPYING: Renamed to COPYING.txt, which is friendlier to Windows users. 2009-07-14 Jonathan Wilde patch by: Bjoern Buerstinghaus * translations\feed-stats-plugin-de_DE.mo: Added the mo file that was compiled from translations\feed-stats-plugin-de_DE.po. * translations\feed-stats-plugin-de_DE.po: Added the po file created by Bjoern Buerstinghaus for this plugin. * translations\TRANSLATIONS.txt: Added a file to make the ownership and licensing of the translations files. 2009-07-14 Jonathan Wilde * build.xml: Added the preptag target, which automatically tags the current code in trunk (excluding the tests directory and build.xml) based on the release property in build.properties. Tweaked the cleanup target. Added the changelog target to generate changelog entries. * changelog.xsl: Added the XSLT stylesheet used to format the Changelog entry with. 2009-07-09 Jonathan Wilde * render.php: Cleaned up the stats viewer. 2009-07-07 Jonathan Wilde * style.css.php: Added a missing colon in the Expires header. 2009-07-07 Jonathan Wilde * style.css.php: Fixed a PHP syntax error in the Expires header code. 2009-07-07 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Made the "Total Hits & Subscribers" text translatable. Made sure to use the appropriate textdomain. 2009-06-30 Jonathan Wilde * build.xml: Converted tabs to spaces. * client.php: Converted tabs to spaces. * feed-stats.php: Converted tabs to spaces. * js/tabs.js: Converted tabs to spaces. * js/test.js: Converted tabs to spaces. * lang.php: Converted tabs to spaces. * parser.php: Converted tabs to spaces. * render.php: Converted tabs to spaces. * style.css.php: Converted tabs to spaces. * templates/header.php: Converted tabs to spaces. * templates/settings.php: Converted tabs to spaces. * templates/test.php: Converted tabs to spaces. * templates/troubleshooting.php: Converted tabs to spaces. * tests/client.php: Converted tabs to spaces. 2009-06-30 Jonathan Wilde * style.css.php: Set the `Expires` header on the stylesheet to improve performance. The file is set to expire in two years. 2009-06-30 Jonathan Wilde * client.php: Made filesystem caching of data from FeedBurner work properly. There's a 12-hour time-to-live set on cached values. 2009-06-21 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Increased the version number from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6. 2009-06-21 Jonathan Wilde * tests/client.php: Added two test cases for the client.php script. * client.php: Slimmed down the fs_load_feed_data and fs_load_item_data functions--they included much unnecessary code. 2009-06-21 Jonathan Wilde * client.php: Removed the $update parameter from fs_fetch_feedburner_data--it's currently unused. 2009-06-21 Jonathan Wilde * client.php: Moved SUPPORT_URL and fs_translatable_error into lang.php. Added the $fetcher parameter to fetch_remote_xml and fs_fetch_feedburner_data to allow us to test the function with a Mock http object. * feed-stats.php: Included lang.php. * lang.php (added): Added fs_translatable error and the define for SUPPORT_URL. 2009-06-20 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Added a missing slash to the first require_once statement in the file. 2009-06-20 Jonathan Wilde * client.php: Moved the "require_once" statement from the fetch_remote_xml function to the top of feed-stats.php. * feed-stats.php: Added the "require_once" statement for Troy Wolf's class_http that was originally in the fetch_remote_xml in client.php. 2009-06-20 Jonathan Wilde * tests/EXTERNALS.txt (added): Added a file to list all of the SVN externals for this folder. SimpleTest was added as one. * tests/fs-comm-test.php (deleted): Obsolete. 2009-06-20 Jonathan Wilde * templates/test.php: Moved the template into a template variable. Moved the [result] tags into the template. * templates/test.php (added): Moved from test.php. * test.php (deleted): Moved to templates/test.php. 2009-06-20 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Moved all of the require_once statements to the top of the file for sake of simplicity. * templates/troubleshooting.php: Removed require_once statement; now at top of feed-stats.php. * test.php: Removed outdated require_once statement; now at top of feed-stats.php. 2009-06-20 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php (added): Renamed from feed-stats-plugin.php. The rename to feed-stats-plugin.php might have broken the updater. * feed-stats-plugin.php (deleted): Renamed to feed-stats.php. 2009-06-20 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats-plugin.php (added): Renamed to feed-stats-plugin.php from feed-stats.php to make it conform to the WordPress standard of having the primary PHP file name match the repository name. This should also speed up the performance of the plugin. * parser.php (added): Renamed from fs-parse.php; this makes the filenames look cleaner. * client.php (added): Renamed from fs-comm.php; this makes the filenames look cleaner. * test.php (added): Renamed from awapi-test.php; this makes the filenames look cleaner. * render.php (added): Renamed from fs-render.php; this makes the filenames look cleaner. * feed-stats.php (deleted): Renamed to feed-stats-plugin.php. * fs-comm.php (deleted): Renamed to client.php. * awapi-test.php (deleted): Renamed to test.php. * fs-parse.php (deleted): Renamed to parser.php. * fs-render.php (deleted): Renamed to render.php. 2009-06-20 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Added the fs_add_textdomain function to load the textdomain for the plugin. * translations (added): Added a folder to hold all of the po/mo translated files for this plugin. 2009-06-20 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Changed line endings to LF (instead if CRLF) to make gettext happy. Cleaned up the strings to be translated so that generated POT files look prettier. * fs-render.php: Cleaned up the strings to be translated so that generated POT files look prettier. * templates/troubleshooting.php: Cleaned up the strings to be translated so that generated POT files look prettier. 2009-06-20 Jonathan Wilde * build.xml: Added the makepot target, which generates a POT file from the plugin. 2009-06-19 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Added the feed-stats-plugin textdomain to all gettext commands. * fs-comm.php: Added the feed-stats-plugin textdomain to all gettext commands. * fs-render.php: Added the feed-stats-plugin textdomain to all gettext commands. * templates/settings.php: Added the feed-stats-plugin textdomain to all gettext commands. * templates/troubleshooting.php: Added the feed-stats-plugin textdomain to all gettext commands. 2009-06-19 Jonathan Wilde * build.xml (added): Added an Apache Ant build file to deal with textdomains and .POT files. * build.properties.sample (added): Added a sample properties file for the build.xml file. 2009-06-19 Jonathan Wilde * fs-comm.php: Cleaned up some of the error messages that are defined in the fs_translatable_error function. 2009-06-19 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Tweaked markup so that there's less space around the "FeedBurner Dashboard" link. * templates/settings.php: Made the "Testing..." text for the feed tester translatable. * templates/troubleshooting.php: Added a paragraph to introduce the troubleshooting information. Added a link to go back to the configuration page. Used the fs_translatable_error to output all of the troubleshooting information. 2009-06-19 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Cleaned up the markup a bit. Moved the "Options saved successfully" message into templates/settings.php. * templates/settings.php: Added the "Options saved successfully" message from feed-stats.php. 2009-06-19 Jonathan Wilde * templates/troubleshooting.php: Fixing some syntax errors by adding proper closing ?> tags. 2009-06-19 Jonathan Wilde * js/test.js: Fixed the link to the troubleshooting page. 2009-06-19 Jonathan Wilde * awapi-test.php: Updated it so that it sends the code for the message to the client, along with the translatable message. Moved the "This feed is valid." message into the "Valid" error message in the fs_translatable_error function in fs-comm.php. * fs-comm.php: Added a "Valid" error message to the fs_translatable_error function. In fs_fetch_feedburner_data, I replaced $response->data with $response->body. There is no $response->body. My mistake. * js/test.js: Updated it so that it uses the message code, rather than the message, to determine whether the feed is valid or not. This will ensure that the script doesn't implode when the plugin is localized. 2009-06-19 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Changed the the tempalate so that the error message uses the messages already contained in fs_translatable_error, rather than using conditional statements. * fs-comm.php: Fixed sprintf usage. Fixed variable names in fs_fetch_feedburner_data. Added backwards compatibility for people who have a feed name saved, rather than a feed URL. Replaced all references to fs_make_error_translatable with fs_translatable_error. Updated the fs_load_feed_data and fs_load_item_data functions with the changes to the variables for the fs_fetch_feedburner_data function. 2009-06-19 Jonathan Wilde * fs-comm.php: Renamed to fs_translatable_error. I'm making it the general-purpose error message manager function. It now holds all of the errors and messages for the plugin. Rewrote (and documented) the fs_fetch_feedburner_data function so that it now only has support for the new Awareness API (the old one has been completely shut down) to improve performance. The new function, combined with the fs_translatable error function, has much better error checking. * fs-parse.php: Removed the now-obsolete fs_check_errors function, which has been integrated into fs_fetch_feedburner_data; 2009-06-18 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Fixed two parse errors. 2009-06-16 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Fixed the link to the AJAX feed tester. 2009-06-15 Jonathan Wilde * awapi-test.php: Tweaked the code to work properly with the new fs_make_error_translatable ($original) function. Made use of the _e() function to ensure that it can be localized. * feed-stats.php: Made use of the _e() function to ensure that it can be localized. * fs-comm.php: Added the fs_make_error_translatable ($original) function, which allows us to localize those ugly FeedBurner error messages. Made use of this new function in the fs_fetch_feedburner_data ($url, $action, $updatable=true, $post=null) function. * fs-parse.php: Made use of the _e() function to ensure that it can be localized. * templates/troubleshooting.php: Made use of the _e() function to ensure that it can be localized. 2009-06-15 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Removed the scary Google FeedBurner error message. Since Google fixed this, the message is no longer needed. 2009-05-10 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Applied a patch to fix the bug reported in the email: http://groups.google.com/group/feed-stats-plugin/browse_thread/thread/4e6d04feefd02f48?hl=en 2009-03-21 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Tweaked version number of plugin (it's going out of beta today). Updated the plugin URLs to reflect the new plugin website. * readme.txt: Updated the plugin URLs. Added a note about the bug with Google FeedBurner. * templates/troubleshooting.php: Removed the link to FeedBurner. 2009-03-07 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Tweaked the Google FeedBurner 500 error message to make it a bit less awkward. 2009-03-07 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Added the feed-stats-left-chart-cell, feed-stats-right-chart-cell, feed-stats-left-table-cell, and feed-stats-right-table-cell CSS classes to the top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right table cells of the dashboard page, respectively. This allows us to apply specific styles to each cell. * style.css.php: Applied CSS styles to all of the aforementioned CSS classes so that there is more whitespace on the dashboard page. 2009-03-06 Jonathan Wilde * fs-comm.php: Made the old and new Awareness API URLs constants so that we can use them in other parts of the plugin easily. 2009-03-06 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Implemented the changes (added the $name variable as the first argument) made to the fs_dashboard_url and fs_stats_set_url functions in fs-comm.php. * fs-render.php: Added the fs_dashboard_domain($url) function which allows us to distinguish between feeds that need account links to feedburner.com and feedburner.google.com. 2009-03-06 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Added an error message if FeedBurner returns a 500 code for GetItemData but returns the correct data for GetFeedData. Implemented the new fs_have_reach($xml) function to better choose whether to display reach stats while GetItemData is down. * fs-comm.php: Improved documentation of fs_fetch_feedburner_data. Increased the amount of data (added the HTTP status code, the raw HTTP body, and the URL) returned from fs_fetch_feedburner_data. * fs-parse.php: Tweaked the return message from fs_check_errors for 500 status codes. Added the fs_have_reach($xml), which figures out if reach stats can be displayed purely from the XML returned from GetFeedData. * fs-render.php: Implemented the new fs_have_reach($xml) function to better choose whether to display reach stats while GetItemData is down. 2009-03-06 Jonathan Wilde * COPYING: Added a full copy of the GPL v2 to the project in the form of a FSF-standard COPYING file. * awapi-test.php: Added in the proper GPL v2 license block. * feed-stats.php: Moved the anti-remote-execution code into the header next to the PHP opening tag for cleanliness. Updated the GPL license block at the top. * fs-comm.php: Moved the anti-remote-execution code into the header next to the PHP opening tag for cleanliness. Updated the GPL license block. Significantly improved the documentation for the fetch_remote_xml($url) function. * fs-parse.php: Moved the anti-remote-execution code into the header next to the PHP opening tag for cleanliness. Updated the GPL license block at the top. * fs-render.php: Moved the anti-remote-execution code into the header next to the PHP opening tag for cleanliness. Updated the GPL license block at the top. * style.css.php: Cleanup of spacing. Added the GPL license block. * templates/header.php: Added the GPL license block. * templates/settings.php: Added the GPL license block. * templates/troubleshooting.php: Added the GPL license block. * tests/fs-comm-test.php: Contains scaffolding for a SimpleTest for the fs-comm.php script. * tests (added): Added a folder to contain test cases and SimpleTest itself. 2009-02-20 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Made it so that we can see Reach stats while even though item stats are currently down on google.feedburner.com. 2009-02-19 Jonathan Wilde * awapi-test.php: Added to improve security. * feed-stats.php: Added to improve security. * fs-comm.php: Added to improve security. * fs-parse.php: Added to improve security. * fs-render.php: Added to improve security. * include/class_http.php: Added to improve security. * templates/header.php: Added to improve security. * templates/settings.php: Added to improve security. * templates/troubleshooting.php: Added to improve security. 2009-02-19 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Rewrote ajax_test_url() to use admin_url() to determine the current location so that the new method of referencing awapi-test.php works. Changed the 'help' GET variable to 'mode' so that we can accomodate a third page (the testing page) in the admin section. Set awapi-test.php to be loaded when the 'mode' variable is set to 'test'. The troubleshooting page is loaded when the 'mode' variable is set to 'help'. This will accomodate sites that block PHP files not running inside WordPress. * js/test.js: Updated test.js to delete the content around the result on the test page. This is to accomodate the changes above. 2009-02-19 Jonathan Wilde * fs-comm.php: Made the plugin give fs_check_errors(...) the http status codes from FeedBurner. * fs-parse.php: Made fs_check_errors(...) also check for status codes of 500 and 401, which sometimes are sent by FeedBurner to indicate that the Awareness API is not enabled. This fixes a bug reported by Alexei Lee. 2009-02-19 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: *Significantly* improved the error messages on the dashboard page. If there's a "Feed Not Found" error from FeedBurner, it states the error, explains it, lists issues that might have caused it, and provides a link to go to the settings page. If there's no feed URL saved, it asks the user to configure it and provides a link to the settings page. If the Awareness API isn't enabled, it gives the user instructions and a link to their FeedBurner dashboard page. If it's none of these, it tells the user probable causes and gives them instructions on how to contact me through the mailing list. 2009-02-18 Jonathan Wilde * fs-render.php: Patched a PHP warning displayed when there are no views of one's FeedBurner feed. This issue was reported by Alexei Lee. 2009-02-16 Jonathan Wilde * fs-comm.php: Fixed fs_fetch_feedburner_data(...). Made it check the $nourl variable before modifying the user's feed URL. This fixes a bug reported by Bram Vandenbussche. 2009-02-15 Jonathan Wilde * readme.txt: Updated to match the change of feed name -> feed URL in the setting box. * templates/settings.php: Made 10 days of stats the default. 2009-02-15 Jonathan Wilde * fs-render.php: Made the "widefat" WordPress CSS class only added to the stats table if WordPress is version 2.7 or above. 2009-02-15 Jonathan Wilde * style.css.php: Added background images to the waiting, good result, and bad result indicators on the feed tester. * templates/header.php: Shortened a GET parameter name. * templates/settings.php: Removed the loader icon image. Re-added as a CSS background image (see above). 2009-02-15 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Added a CSS class so that we can add a bit of padding around the stats tables. * fs-render.php: Added the necessary CSS classes on the stats tables to make them fit in with the new WP 2.7 styling. Added a thead element around the stats table th elements. * style.css.php: Added styling for the tabs on the dashboard that is similar to the tab styling for the media dialog in the editing view of WP 2.7. 2009-02-15 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Fixed one method call where the entire data array from fs_fetch_feedburner_data() was being sent rather than just the data. * fs-comm.php: Added a semicolon that was missing. * fs-parse.php: Added a space for cleanliness. 2009-02-15 Jonathan Wilde * style.css.php: Tweaked the widths of the text boxes on the settings form. Tweaked the way versions are detected. * templates/header.php: Added the plugin folder name to the parameters sent to the style.css.php file for templating. 2009-02-15 Jonathan Wilde * awapi-test.php: Added URL decoding to deal with the new format of the feed names. Modified it to work with the new fs_fetch_feedburner_data() function in fs-comm.php. * feed-stats.php: *Removed* sanitize_url due to potential issues down the road. This will probably need to be reimplemented somewhow else later. Removed the use of fs_check_errors() the new fs_fetch_feedburner_data() takes care of this. Modified all of the templates to work with the new return format in fs_fetch_feedburner_data(); * fs-comm.php: Added fs_fetch_feedburner_data(), which performs pattern matching on the FeedBurner feed URL to determine whether it's a FeedBurner feed (feeds.feedburner.com) or a Google FeedBurner feed (feed2.feedburner.com, feedproxy.google.com). If the user has a feed name (not a full URL) typed in, it will append the feed name to http://feeds.feedburner.com/. If a request to a FeedBurner feed doesn't work, then it will try communicating to a Google FeedBurner feed. That should ease the transition to Google feeds. I also modified fs_load_feed_data() and fs_load_item_data() so that they use the fs_fetch_feedburner_data() function. * templates/settings.php: Changed feed names to feed URLs in the descriptions. Tweaked text and button styling to fit in with WP 2.7. 2009-02-14 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Changed "template" to "templates" in the path to the templates directory so that load_template() can find the templates needed to display the plugin. 2009-01-31 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Moved the header (which contains links to CSS files), the troubleshooting information for the settings page, and the settings form into their own separate template files. Add calls to load_template() to load the template files. * templates/settings.php (added): Contains the markup for the settings form that controls this plugin. * templates/troubleshooting.php (added): Contains troubleshooting information and descriptions of the various error messages. * templates/header.php (added): Contains links to CSS files and conditional comments that apply Internet Explorer-specific styling. 2009-01-31 Jonathan Wilde * awapi-test.php: Changed the old feedburner.com Awareness API URL to the new feedburner.google.com Awareness API URL. * fs-comm.php: Edited the fetch_remote_xml() function to use Troy Wolf's class_http rather than the WordPress 2.7 HTTP API. This will ensure a more consistent experience across different versions of WordPress. * cache (added): Added a cache directory for class_http to use to temporarily cache Awareness API feeds fetched by the script. 2009-01-29 Jonathan Wilde patch by: matrixagent * fs-comm.php: Applied matrixagent's patch, which allows the plugin to function with the newer Google FeedBurner feeds. * templates (added): Added a templates folder to neatly contain all of the views for different parts of the plugin. This will make managing the look-and-feel far easier. 2008-12-25 Jonathan Wilde * include (added): Added a folder (sort of like the wp-includes folder) to hold external classes that we're using in the plugin. * include/class_http.php (added): Added Troy Wolf's fantastic class_http to use instead of the WordPress 2.7 HTTP API. 2008-12-07 Jonathan Wilde * readme.txt: Added a section talking about the new Google Group. 2008-11-27 Jonathan Wilde * readme.txt: Updated for version 1.0.4. Added Google Chrome to the supported browsers list; tweaked grammar and wording to make it more readable. Added feed-related words to the tags list, removed "comments." 2008-11-27 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Removed obsolete CSS styles for IE. Modified the tab markup. Changed one of the styles for the clear block at the bottom of the Settings page. * style.css.php: Rewrote the tabs CSS. 2008-11-27 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Added a the optiontable class name, which makes the "Feed Stats Options" page look pretty in WordPress 2.3. Added a conditional that only tries to use sanitize_url if the user acutally has it. This allows the dashboard subpage to work in WordPress 2.3. * fs-comm.php: Changed the include_once to a require_once for the new WP 2.7 http.php library. Suppressed warnings for that line as well. This allows it to work in WordPress 2.3. * style.css.php: Added a few extra conditionals and statements to make everything look pretty in WordPress 2.3. 2008-11-27 Jonathan Wilde * awapi-test.php: Removed error checking code; that has been moved into the fs_check_errors() function. * feed-stats.php: Improved troubleshooting information. * fs-parse.php: Improved fs_check_errors(). * fs-render.php: Improved data checking and message for when there's no data. * style.css.php: Tweaked the .fs-message class. 2008-11-27 Jonathan Wilde * awapi-test.php: Tweaked wording. Made it load the wp-config.php file rather than getting ABSPATH and WPINC from GET variables. Far more secure. * feed-stats.php: Removed ABSPATH and WPINC information that was being passed to awapi-test.php via GET variables. * js/test.js: Added lots of comments. Removed the unnecessary code to send ABSPATH and WPINC variables to awapi-test.php. 2008-11-27 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Massive code cleanup. Cleaned up the tab code by removing the unnecessary tags and the fs-clr-tab
  • tag. Replaced inline style tags with class names. Removed class names from troubleshooting page. * js/test.js: The troubleshooting page now opens in a new window. * style.css.php: Changed the tab code from using float to using display: inline. Added styles for all of the new classnames. Removed the classnames that were removed from the troubleshooting page. 2008-11-27 Jonathan Wilde * awapi-test.php: Fixed a spelling error in the feed checker. Did some cleanup of the conditional statement. Improved the comments. Included the internationalization library (wp-includes/l10n.php). * feed-stats.php: Moved the help onto a separate page. Removed extraneous inline CSS. Bumped the version number. * fs-comm.php: Cleanup. * js/test.js: Changed the "What does this mean?" link to point to the new "Troubleshooting" page. * style.css.php: Converted from static CSS to dynamic PHP so that we can do templated CSS. This makes the markup so much more elegant; it allows us to remove all of the extra style tags that we used to add to the header of the admin panel. * + style.css.php (added): style.css was renamed to style.css.php. * style.css (deleted): style.css was renamed to style.css.php. 2008-11-21 Jonathan Wilde * awapi-test.php: Included a dummy function for apply_filters() so that http.php in WordPress 2.7 works. * fs-comm.php: Added the necessary include files for WordPress' rss.php. 2008-11-20 Jonathan Wilde * feed-stats.php: Edited the description line so that the link to the configure page is a relative path rather than one that goes to my site.