=== EveryPay Payment Gateway for WooCommerce === Tags: everypay, 3ds, credit card, debit card, payment gateway, payments, payment request, woocommerce, store, sales, sell, shop, shopping, cart, checkout,ecommerce, e-commerce, commerce Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 5.7 Requires PHP: 7.0 Stable tag: 3.5 License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Author: Everypay S.A. Author URI: https://everypay.gr Accept Credit Cards and Debit Cards on your WooCommerce store. == Description == EveryPay Payment Gateway is a plugin that extends WooCommerce and adds EveryPay as the payment method for accepting credit/debit cards payments. == Why choose Everypay? == EveryPay offers the fastest and easiest Payment Gateway and improves Customer Experience with 3DS V2. Everypay is available for store owners and merchants in: * Greece == How do payments work with the Everypay Addon? == 1. A customer adds your product/service to their cart on your e-shop. 2. They enter their card details via Everypay’s i-frame. 3. The Everypay Payment Gateway process their payment in a split second. == Setup == 1. Activate EveryPay Payment Gateway from wp plugin lists in admin area 2. Set your EveryPay public and secret key in Woocommerce -> settings -> Payments -> Everypay Payment Gateway == Notes == If you use a version prior to 3.1 and you upgrade the plugin, when installation of the new update is complete, deactivate and activate the plugin. == Screenshots == 1. EveryPay Payment Gateway plugin activation. 2. EveryPay Payment Gateway in WooCommerce payment methods 3. EveryPay Payment Gateway settings in WooCommerce 4. Everypay Payment Gateway 3ds2 iframe == Frequently Asked Questions == 1. You need to have Woocommerce plugin installed to make this plugin work 2. You need to obtain API keys from Everypay Dashboard 3. This plugin works on test & live api keys. 4. This plugin requires SSL as per here but can work even without SSL. 5. This plugin does not store Card Details anywhere. 6. Everypay & PCI compliance requires to use SSL always 7. This plugin Support refunds **(Only in Cents)** in Woocommerce interface. On full refund order state changes automatically to refunded(WooCommerce Feature). 8. Upon refunds the items are not restocked automatically 9. This plugin supports tokenization