=== Embed Post === Contributors: gskhanal Tags: embed, post, page, excerpt, content, title, embed post Requires at least: 2.6 Tested up to: 3.5 Stable tag: 0.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Embed a Post within another Post or Page using [embed_post] shortcode. == Description == Embed a Post title or excerpt or content within another Post or Page. Use the shortcode([embed_post post_id="123"] == Installation == 1. Upload `embed-post` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Place `[embed_post post_id="123" type="content"]` in posts or pages where `post_id` is the id of post you want to embed and type is what you want to embed, if you do not define type then by default `excerpt` will get embeded. `content` and `title` are other options you can embed. 4. For `type="content"` you can limit no of words to display by adding one more option e.g. `[embed_post post_id="123" type="content" limit_word="10"]` will embed 10 words of content of post_id 123 == Frequently Asked Questions == Q. Can I embed unpublished posts? A. No, this plugin only embeds post which is published. Q. What will happen if I do not specify `post_id`? A. Nothing will happen if you do not specify `post_id` in Shortcode. Q. What will happen if I do not specify `type`? A. By default, `post excerpt` will be embedded if you do not specify `type` in Shotcode. == Screenshots == == Changelog == = 0.2 = * Added support of limiting number of words in content. = 0.1 = * First Release