=== Plugin Name === Contributors: DispQuals Donate link: http://www.disposablequalities.com Tags: music, organization, library Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: 1.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html Add Bandcamp URLs to a WordPress database for displaying on a custom page with an updatable embedded player, like a music library. == Description == Bandcamp Library is a simple plugin and a page template for your existing theme. Add both to your WordPress install and start adding Bandcamp page URLs in your admin panel. All pages added will show as an album tile on the library page. The purpose is organize a growing collection of favorites in a single, easy to use library; playing the music is handled through an embedded Bandcamp player. To see a working example, go to http://www.disposablequalities.com/bandcamplib/ == Installation == 1. Upload the folder `dqBandcampPlugin` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Create a Page in WordPress with the title "bandcamplib" - You can call the Page whatever you like, you just need to know what the slug is 3. Activate the plugin 4. Go to the Bandcamp Lib page in your Wordpress dashboard and update the slug to match the slug of your page from Step 2 == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I add music = Copy a bandcamp.com url of an album or track you like. Go to the Library plugin's page and paste into the box at the top. Click submit. = How do I remove music = Go to the Library plugin's page and find the album in the table. Click delete, on the far right. = I deleted an album by mistake = After you click delete, the album's URL is shown at the top of the plugin's page, copy that into the Add box and click submit. If you didn't do that and don't have the link, you will have to find the album on Bandcamp.com again. = How do I listen to music in my library = Click an album cover to load the embedded player at the top of the page. Click the play button. = Are you affiliated with Bandcamp.com = Not at all. == Screenshots == 1. An example of the library in use 2. The plugin view of the library 3. How to Add albums 4. The success message for adding albums 5. The error message for adding invalid URLs 6. The success message for delting albums 7. How to find the page slug == Changelog == = 1.5 = * Skipped 1.4, oh dear SVN better be caught up after this! = 1.3 = * I just suck at SVN = 1.2 = * Fixed a path issue with the CSS file = 1.1 = * Added a function to copy the template file out of the plugin directory into the active template directory. This was in response to complaints of difficulty with installation. * Added a page slug option to make copying the template file easier and less confusing. * Updated the admin page to expose the page slug option to the user = 1.0 = * Released with original feature set: * Add multiple URLs at once from admin panel * Delete from library from admin panel * Click artwork to load embedded player (no auto play) == Upgrade Notice == = 1.5 = * See changelog, but basically made installation easier, fixed a CSS bug, then wrestled with the repository = 1.3 = * Issues surrounding my upload to the Wordpress repository. 1.2 should now be instated = 1.2 = * There was a problem with the CSS directory. Now there isn't = 1.1 = * Plugin now copies the page template file automatically to improve ease of installation. = 1.0 = * No upgrades yet == Note from the Author == I was disappointed to hear people were having trouble with installing the plugin, so I made some changes to remove the awkward step. I hope more people can enjoy the plugin now. :) I've made this plugin as a way to easily access music I've purchased, or intend to purchase. Please consider supporting the artists you add to your library by buying their music and/or merchandise. Thanks for trying my Plugin!