=== Digital Raindrops CMS Lite === Contributors: adeptris Plugin URI: http://digitalraindrops.net/demo/wordpress/cms-lite/ Author: David Cox (email: david.cox@digitalraindrops.net) Author URI: http://www.digitalraindrops.net/AboutUs.aspx/ Donate: http://www.digitalraindrops.net/Products/10-donate-to-adeptris.aspx/ Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 2.9 Tags: cms, cms-lite, css, template pages, content panes, options, styles, theme management, css, templates, digital raindrops, footer Stable tag: 0.1 == Description == Digital Raindrops CMS-Lite plugin for the WordPress blogging platform, this plugin will help developers manage and create a set of new templates to use with your theme. Tested with an Artisteer theme to W3C XHTML1 validation standards check the plugins website. NOTE: A knowledge of css and php is required for this plugin as there will be a learning curve. Up to 4 Sidebars, 16 Content Panes, 10 Options Panels, Footer Panel plus addons like Category menu etc: Step 1: Plan your page layouts (outside of wordPress) Step 2: Enter some details about your theme width, no of existing sidebars etc: Step 3: Name your Content Panes Step 4: Name your Option Panels Step 5: Create styles for the new Sidebars, content panes and Footer Step 6: Create pages and templates Step 7: Update the Stylesheet from wordpress admin or by updating the files Step 8: With a few lines of code deploy to your website WARNING: This is the initail release which has taken a lot of work to develop, it has undergone a fair amount of testing but we could not cover all scenarios. The documentation is being built up and there are pages for a a walk through with tutorials and tips on the website http://digitalraindrops.net/demo/wordpress/cms-lite/ == Installation == 1. Download and unzip the package. 2. FTP the entire "drf-cms-lite" directory to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory on your blog. 3. Activate the plugin on the "Plugins" tab of the administration panel. 4. Copy the "contents" of the Theme_Includes folder not the folder itself, do not cut and paste as you will need these files for each theme. 5. This plugin uses the current active theme in your wp/wp-content/themes/ main directory. 6. This plugin creates several menus only available to Administrators under the admin settings. == Upgrading == You may upgrade the plugin via the automated system in WordPress 2.5 or greater, or "old-style" by downloading the new one and then 1. Deactivating plugin 2. Uploading the updated files 3. Reactivating plugin == Frequently Asked Questions == What are the requirements to use this plugin? A good understanding of Stylesheets, page layouts and php, a local copy of wordPress is also desirable. Planning the pages for a website before jumping in is also a helps! == Screenshots == 1. Taking a standard theme our sample theme before 2. A screenshot of the admin interface 3. The widget area after deployment 4. The website after CMS-Lite == Known Issues == None yet! == Support == Tutorials http://digitalraindrops.net/demo/wordpress/cms-lite/ Support http://www.digitalraindrops.net/Boards/Forum.aspx == Translation Credits == N/A == Changelog == * 1.0.0 - Initial release