=== Course Redirects for Learndash Plugin === Contributors: ercbs,saurabhpro Donate link: paypal.me/cbs1989 Tags: learndash, page id, visitors, views, course Version: 0.3 Author: Chandra Bhushan Singh Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 6.2 Stable tag: 0.3 Requires PHP: 7.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Course Redirects for Learndash Plugin provide you following things: Ability to redirect on page which you want to show after completion of course.You can easily see Page,Post,Category and Tag Id's.You can see Visitors and Views of your website. == Description == Course Redirects for Learndash Plugin provide you following things:Ability to redirect on page which you want to show after completion of course.You can easily see Page,Post,Category and Tag Id's.You can see Visitors and Views of your website. **NEED HELP?** [SEE HERE](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14POsTkfxv1LOlQUtLpYNZpKqUclcy8xCl3ZQN7SxMEk/edit#slide=id.gee6124e826_0_84) == Frequently Asked Questions == = What is Learndash LMS? = Turn your WordPress site into a learning management system.LearnDash is taking cutting edge elearning methodology and infusing it into WordPress. More than just a plugin, LearnDash is trusted to power the learning programs for major universities, small to mid-size companies, startups, entrepreneurs, and bloggers worldwide. = What is Course Redirect for Learndash? = Course Redirects for Learndash Plugin - Ability to redirect on page which you want show after each learndash course completion. **NEED HELP?** [SEE HERE](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14POsTkfxv1LOlQUtLpYNZpKqUclcy8xCl3ZQN7SxMEk/edit#slide=id.gee6124e826_0_84) == Screenshots == 1. Page Settings 2. Page Id's 3. Visitors & Views Counter == Changelog == = 0.3 = *Feature added to display Visitors & Views of your website. = 0.2 = *Feature added to display Page,Post,Category and Tag Id's. = 0.1 = * Feature:Ability to redirect on page which you want to show after course completion only working with LearnDash LMS.