=== Counter and Stats Website === Contributors: LogoNike.Com Tags: stats, statistics, counter, visitors, visits Donate link: http://logonike.com Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.9.1 Stable tag: 1.1 This plugin tells you how many people are online in real time. It also shows visitors of the last 24 hours. Which pages are visited more. == Description == This plugin tells you how many people are online in real time. It also shows visitors of the last 24 hours. Which pages are visited more. This plugin via an .js makes a call to a remote (logonike.com) server that is responsible for registering their statistical data. Through a button located on the bottom of your window you access the data. = Features = - Easy to install. - Activate the plugin and go. - Real-time Visitors. == Installation == Play Video of Song is easy to install like other plug-ins of Wordpress as you need to just follow the below mentioned steps: 1. Copy Folder from the downloaded and extracted file. 2. Paste it in wp-Content/plugins folder on your Wordpress Installation 3. Activate the plugin from Dashboard / Plugins window. 4. Now Plugin is Activated. == Screenshots == 1. Statistics 2. Button 3. Visits Pages == Usage == == Changelog == = 1.01 = * Change the name var = 1.1 = * Add noscript