=== Countdown Clock === Contributors: enclick Donate link: http://www.mycountdown.org/ Tags: countdown, timer, flash countdown, countdown clock, countdown widget, countdown generator, countdown ticker, ticker, countup, days since, days till, countdown till days, christmas countdown Tested up to: 3.0.1 Requires at least: 1.5 Stable tag: 1.1 == Description == Display a flash countdown clock configured to an event of your choice. Select the date, title and event text on a choice of countdown designs, colors and sizes. * Select from a range of flash countdown clocks * Select size and layout * Select from a range of set events like Christmas, New Year, or make your custom countdown * Select text, border and background color and date * Select background pictures or animations * See the full range of events and designs at [mycountdown.org](http://mycountdown.org "All the countdowns in the world") == Installation == 1. Download the zip file and extract the contents, 2. Upload the folder `countdown-clock` to your WP plugin folder `/wp-content/plugins/` directory, 3. Go to Plugins > Installed, and activate the plugin, 4. Go to Appearance > Widgets, and drag the widget to a sidebar, 5. Select the clock type, colors, background, date and size from the countdown setting menu 6. For a customized event and messages, select the "My Countdown" event type and save the setting. == Screenshots == 1. Compact Widget 2. Horizontal Widget 3. Vertical Widget with background picture or animation 4. Compact Widget with background picture or animation 5. Square Widget with background picture or animation 6. Vertical Large Widget with background picture or animation 7. Fireworks == Changelog == = 1.1 = * Released 03/09/2010 * Added popular Fireworks design = 1.0 = * Released 08/02/2010 * First release includes most layouts == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I customize my event and message? = On the control panel select "My Countdown" event type and save the setting. A date and text input boxes will appear for your messages. = How do I customize the colours? = Go to the Appearance->Widgets tab in your wordpress admin panel, and choose click on settings for the countdown clock, select text, border and background colors from the drop downs = Can I choose my colour? = You can select the countdown clock to be transparent, so the countdown's background will be that of your web page = Do I need to set the event type ? = Choosing the event type will provide the best selection of background pictures and animations = Can I set the time of day and world timezone for the event ? = The setting will be available in the next release of the plugin = Is there support ? = Further support is available at [mycountdown.org/support](http://mycountdown.org/wordpress-countdown-clock-plugin/)