=== Build & Control Block Patterns - Boost up Gutenberg Editor === Contributors: razib_, themeperch, upamahin, senseflame Tags: blocks, block patterns, Gutenberg, patterns builder, blocks builder, Requires at least: 5.5.0 Tested up to: 6.4 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Build & Control your Blocks, Patterns, Scripts, etc. in an organized way. Predefined Patterns are also ready to use & you can create more. == Description == **Control Block Patterns** is a simple plugin that comes with 1400+ predefined patterns ready to use & you can create more block patterns. It allows end-users to create custom block patterns within the **WordPress Patterns Directory**. You can add beautifully designed, ready-to-go layouts to any WordPress site with a simple add/replace. Save & control your site **Block Patterns** in an organized way. **Block Patterns** are predefined block layouts, available from the patterns tab of the block inserter. Once inserted into content, the blocks are ready for additional or modified content and configuration. By using this plugin you can also control **Patterns**, custom **CSS**, **Script**,**HTML**, and many more in your WordPress site header, content, and footer. When you activate the **Control Block Patterns** plugin that creates a new custom post type for custom block patterns. If you register custom patterns, you can select registered block patterns on the edit screen. The **Control Block Patterns** plugin is fully compatible with **Gutenberg 7.8+** and **WordPress Version 5.8.1.** This plugin currently requires **PHP 5.6 or higher.** Block pattern will be a part of core WordPress in the future. == Key Features == * **Control Reusable Blocks:** Now you can easily manage your Reusable Blocks, you can import all of them with a single click. * **Register Block Patterns:** The editor comes with **1400+ Predefined Patterns.** Theme and plugin authors can **register** additional custom block patterns using this plugin * **Unregister Block Patterns:** The plugin settings page allows for a previously registered block pattern to be unregistered from a theme or plugin * **Register Block Pattern Categories:** The block editor comes with bundled categories you can use on your custom block patterns. You can also register your block pattern categories using the plugin. * **Unregister Block Pattern Categories:** This Plugin settings page allows you to unregister a pattern category that comes from a theme or plugin * **Assign Pattern:** User can assign a pattern to one or more categories * **Keyword Assign to Pattern:** This plugin setting page allows users to add any keywords into the pattern to make them easy to find in the block inserter. It is an optional feature. * **Create Custom Pattern Categories:** This plugin also supports to create of custom pattern categories * **Disable/Enable Default Patterns:** This Plugin settings page allows to enable or disable the default patterns * **Easily Insert Header and Footer Code:** You can insert code like **Google Analytics**, **custom CSS**, **Facebook Pixel**, any code or script, including HTML and JavaScript, and more to your WordPress site header and footer. No need to edit your theme files! This plugin gives you one place where you can insert scripts, rather than dealing with dozens of different plugins. * **Disable/Enable Default Header Footer Code:** You can easily enable or disable every option by clicking on the plugin setting page. * **Custom Style Add:** There is an option ***Control CSS***, by using this feature you can control your theme CSS. * **Control Theme Script:** By using the plugin feature ***Control Script***, you can easily control your Header, footer or body script, or HTML. * **Reset Functionality:** If you think your custom script and CSS are bothering you then you can easily reset your custom items which ones are made with *Control Block Patterns*. You will find the ***Reset Options*** under the plugin's setting menu. * **Default Category Rename:** If you do not add any category before creating your patterns, then all the patterns will go under the *Control Block Patterns* category. So on the setting page, you will get an option to rename the default category. After renaming it next patterns will be under this category. * **Custom Pattern Builder:** By using the *Control Block Patterns* plugin, you can build your pattern with the help of available **Gutenberg** blocks. * **Widget Support:** You can add block patterns to available widget areas (such as Sidebar, Footer Widget, etc.) * **Shortcode Support:** Shortcode feature is also available in this plugin * **Import/Export:** You can import/export your block patterns from one site to another site, you can also import **Reusable Blocks** in block Patterns == How to Use the Plugin == After installing and activating the plugin, you should see a new **Block Patterns** menu item in your WordPress admin. You can create a new pattern just like you would any post or page from that point. The process is as follows, which may help you. 1. Click on the **Block Patterns** menu item in the sidebar admin menu. 1. Click on the **Add New** button. 1. Give a name for your pattern 1. Start writing code in the ***Pattern Content*** section or click on ***Insert Pattern Content from Directory*** to insert any blocks you want to be part of your pattern. 1. There are a few more fields to modify or you can leave them as default. 1. Publish the pattern (once you publish a pattern, it will be available within the pattern library) 1. Go to any post or page (existing or new one) 1. Locate your pattern in the Block Inserter under the pattern tab and click on it. 1. After clicking on the icon, you should see your custom pattern in the pattern library/list. Click on it. It will be inserted into your post 1. All contained blocks are now independent of the original pattern and can be edited as any regular block. == Notes == **Control Block Patterns** is the easiest way to design your layout with beautiful patterns and to insert code or script in your WordPress headers and footers. Our goal is to make using WordPress easy, both with our WordPress plugins and resources like **Themeperch**, the largest WordPress resource site for beginners. We feel that we have done that here. I hope Control Block Patterns are useful to insert patterns and scripts on your site. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why was this plugin created? = I thought it would be fun to build block patterns from the admin instead of writing code for them. = What are the requirements to use the Control Blocks Patterns plugin? = You only need to have the latest version of WordPress on your website, to begin with. We also recommend installing and activating the Gutenberg plugin = Is the Control Block Patterns taking extra loading time in the front-end or back-end? = **No**, We created this plugin with site loading speed time in mind. This plugin does not load any extra CSS or JavaScript files in the front. = How can I register my custom Block Patterns? = * **Block Patterns > Add new** is allowed you to Register a new Block Pattern. * Title (`required`): A human-readable title for the pattern * Pattern (`required`): Add ***Block HTML Markup for the pattern*** for the pattern from **Block Patterns > Directory** = How can I register my custom Block Patterns category? = **Block Patterns > Category** allows you to Register a new Block Patterns Category. = How can I unregister default pattern categories? = **Block Patterns > Settings** page allows you to Unregister Pattern Category. = Will this work with any theme? = **Yes,** as long as the theme works with the block editor. = What happens to my patterns, if I deactivate the plugin? = * The patterns will no longer be available from the inserter. * Patterns inserted in posts and pages will not be affected. * As soon as you re-activate the plugin the patterns will be available again from the inserter. = What happens to my patterns, after I uninstall the plugin? = * The patterns will no longer be available from the inserter. * Patterns inserted in posts and pages will not be affected. * Your patterns and all Control Block Patterns-related data will be deleted from the database permanently! * So please don’t uninstall unless you are 100% sure it’s okay to lose the data. For test/debug purposes it is probably better to temporarily deactivate the plugin instead. = Can I insert Google Analytics into this plugin? = **Yes,** you can insert your Google Analytics code in the Scripts in the Header field. = Can I use Insert Headers and Footers for Google AdSense? = **Yes,** to verify your account or to tag your page for Auto ads, paste the code AdSense gives you, into the Scripts in the Header field. = How to disable Headers and Footers script or code from a theme? = **Block Patterns > Settings** page allows you to disable Headers and Footers script or code from the theme. = If I switch themes, do I lose any Data? = **No,** You won’t lose your data if you switch to another theme, it’s very safe. == Installation == **Installation directly from your site** 1. Login and navigate to **Plugins > Add New** 1. Type **Control Block Patterns** into the Search and hit Enter 1. Locate the **Control Block Patterns – Boost up Gutenberg Editor Patterns** plugin in the list of search results and click **Install Now.** 1. Once installed, click the ***Activate*** button to activate the plugin **Manually** 1. Download the **Control Block Patterns – Boost up Gutenberg Editor Patterns** plugin from wordpress.org 1. Unzip the package and move the unzipped **control-block-patterns** folder to your plugins folder (`/wp-content/plugins/`) 1. Log into WordPress and navigate to the Plugins screen 1. Locate *Control Block Patterns* in the list and click the *Activate* link. == Screenshots == 1. Block Patterns Directory Page, you can preview & insert a pattern into Block Patterns 2. You can edit the pattern as your website requirements, you can use this pattern as a Shortcode, Widget & Gutenberg Editor Pattern 3. Insert Pattern in any Gutenberg Editor of your site 4. All listed patterns can be added to any Pages or Posts at the very beginning of Footer - wp_footer() 5. Frontend view of the page 6. The **Control Block Patterns** widgets allowed you to **add Block Pattern** in any of the widget areas. 7. The Control Block Patterns **settings page** have various type of controls - Block Patterns > Settings > **Control Patterns**, **Control Post Types**, **Control CSS** 8. The Control Block Patterns **Header, Footer & Body scripts** options - Block Patterns > Settings > **Control Scripts** == Changelog == = = * Fixed: Import, export block user capabilities issues = = * Fixed: Vulnerability issue = = * Fixed: PHP 8+ cpmpatibilty * Fixed: PHP warnings * Updated: CSS = = * Fixed: CSS conflicts * Fixed: Directory patterns = = * Fixed: Term metabox file field php warning issues == Changelog == = = * Fixed: Public search issues * Fixed: Control pattern settings * Fixed: Unregister pattern category * Fixed: Unregister patterns = = * Fixed: Unregister pattern category * Fixed: Unregister patterns = = * Updated: WordPress 6.0 compatibility * Updated: Total patterns number is changed 1400+ = = * Fixed: Meta box custom column issues fixed * Updated: Total patterns number is changed 270+ = = * new: Custom block options added * New: Link field type added * New: Settings page theme style added * Improvement: Fields alignment issues fixed * Improvement: Group field type * Fixed: Reset button bug fixed = = * new: Reset Settings button included * new: Import .json settings included * new: Export settings as a .json file * new: New Field types included * Fixed: WordPress 5.9 compatibility issues fixed * Fixed: Default post types settings value make false = = * new: Responsive CSS Updated * new: Theme supports included - add_theme_support( 'control-block-patterns' ); * new: Backup Restore options included in settings * Fixed: Custom additional field class bugs fixed = = * Fixed: Control CSS Bugs * Improvement: Admin UI = = * Fixed: Javascripts bug = = * New: Import tool added in Block Patterns * new: Export tool added in Block Patterns * new: Reusable block import options added * new: Edit Block patterns link added in Frontend logged in user * Improvement: Admin UI = 1.3.4 = * new: Widget support * new: Shortcode support * new: Custom Pattern Builder * Improvement: Admin UI = 1.3.3 = * Improvement: Admin UI * Improvement: Pattern Preview * Fixed: CSS fixed = 1.3.2 = * New: default category rename option * New: edit option in directory page * New: added "Pattern Preview" option * Improvement: update ui to make more user friendly * Fixed: fixed few minor issues = 1.3.1 = * Fixes: fixed a CSS issue = 1.3.0 = * New: Added a feature “insert block patterns into right above the page or post footer” * New: added option to easily enable or disable “insert block patterns into right above the page or post footer” * Improvement: Improved layout design on every page/section * New: Introduced new layout in setting page * New: added “Control Post Types” section * New : added “Control CSS” section * New: added “Control Scripts” section * New: added option to easily enable/disable “default Meta Box in a single page” * New: added option to easily enable/disable “default Meta Box in single post edit page” * New: added option to easily enable/disable default stylesheet of Control Block Patterns - control-block-patterns.css * New: Added a feature to “add Inline style” into the project * New: Added option to select “inline-style” position in the file (it is below any specific CSS file or below under control-block-patterns.css file) * New: Added an option to Unload the customize CSS from the project but still have it in the UI for future use * New: Added a new feature “Header, Footer & Body Scripts” facility in the plugins * New: added option to easily enable/disable “header, body and footer” script individually * New: Toggle to enable/disable Extendify library * Tweak: improved code quality * Tweak: improve “help” menu contents * Tweaks: “General Options” label has been changed to “Control Patterns” * Tweaks: updated content background color of “Pattern Content” * Fixes: Fixed bugs = 1.2.0 = * Settings page included * Unregister Block Pattern Category Options Added * Unregister Core Patterns options added = 1.1.0 = * Pattern Directory included * Single pattern preview options added = 1.0.0 = * Initially Released ## Upgrade Notice ## ### ### * Fixed: Import, export block user capabilities issues