=== Content Parts === Contributors: husobj Donate link: http://www.benhuson.co.uk/wordpress-plugins/content-parts/ Tags: content, layout, the_content Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.0.4 Stable tag: 1.1 Divide your post content into sections and show them in different places of your theme templates. == Description == If you want to spice up your theme layouts this plugin will allow you to show different parts of your content in different area of your theme templates - break out of a single column of content. More information can be found on the [Content Parts plugin page](http://www.benhuson.co.uk/wordpress-plugins/content-parts/). == Installation == 1. Download the archive file and uncompress it (or install it via your WordPress admin). 2. Put the "content-parts" folder in the "wp-content/plugins" folder 3. Enable in WordPress by visiting the "Plugins" menu and activating it. = Upgrading = If you are not performing an automatic upgrade, deactivate and reactivate the plugin to ensure any new features are correctly installed. = Documentation = For full details how to implement this plugin visit the [Content Parts plugin page](http://www.benhuson.co.uk/wordpress-plugins/content-parts/). == Changelog == = Content Parts 1.1 = * Added count_content_parts() function. props Rory. = Content Parts 1.0 = * First release.