=== Contact Form === Contributors: barozteam Author: Angel Cane Donate link: http://www.contactform.com/ Tags: form,contact,widget,post,plugin,posts,admin,sidebar,comments,images,twitter,page,google,links,image,images,posts,google,facebook,ajax,contact form,contacts,forms,email,mail,captcha,recaptcha,validation,textbox Requires at least: 2.3.1 Tested up to: 3.2.1 Stable tag: 1.1.0 Add a contact form on any page or post. Customizable, re-captcha and with validation. == Description == This free plugin allows you to add custom contact forms to your wordpress site. Simply choose which fields you want, which ones are required and if you want a re-captcha validation(free). Automatic form validation is also provided. Simpy add the shortcode to the page or post where you want to display the form. = Create the contact form = * From the `WP Menu` -> `Settings` -> `Contact Form` -> Add new form * Insert the fields such as name,email,message,website and a submit button and then save your form. = Insert the contact form in your page/post = `Settings` -> `Contact Form` -> `Edit Saved Forms` and select your form and click on the 'edit form' button. On the next page simply copy and paste the `Form shortcode` and add the code in any page or post using the HTML EDITOR. == Installation == 1. Upload `contact-form.zip` from the plugin panel or unzip the file and upload the folder `contact-form` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` panel in WordPress 3. Go to `Settings->Contact Form` to build the form and generate the shortcode 4. Paste the shortcode where you want to display the form. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How i will insert the contact form in my page/post? = Settings -> Contact Form -> Edit Saved Forms, select the form you want to display and click on the 'edit form' button, on the next page simply copy and paste the 'Form shortcode' and add it on your page/post. = Where do i get the emails? = You will set it in the form edit page. = Which fields are available? = Text, Textarea, Email, URL, Dropdown, Submit Button = How do i change the order of the fields? = From the form edit page simply drag the fields up/down to change the order.