=== Plugin Name === Contributors: Lord Linus Tags: contact form Requires at least: 2.0.2 Contact Us form generates a custom contact form on your website page, or post. == Description ==

Contact Us is a simple Wordpress plugin that generates a contact form on your website or blog. It can also be used as a suggestion box. After adjusting the preferences (such as where do you want the email to go) simply insert [LORDLINUS_CONTACT_FORM] in any page or post content and the form will appear.

The plugin is designed to use your website's CSS so the design is likely to match your website and if not there is a special area in the settings where you can customize the use of CSS.

== Installation == Here is what you need to do: 1. Install plugin OR unzip the downloaded file to /wp-content/plugins/ 1. Go to your plugin settings and enable the plugin. 1. In the sidebar you will have a new section called 'Contact Us' navigate there and set your preferences. 1. Insert [LORDLINUS_CONTACT_FORM] shortcode in any post, page or widget, you can also use this markup' 1. If you are not recieving emails, you may need to turn off Allow Comments on the page where you place [LORDLINUS_CONTACT_FORM]. == Changelog == = 0.8 = * First Version.