=== Contact Form To DB === Contributors: bestwebsoft Donate link: https://www.2checkout.com/checkout/purchase?sid=1430388&quantity=10&product_id=13 Tags: Contact Form, Contact Form to DB, text, contact, form, contacts, contact form, request, contact me, feeDBack form, feeDBack, contact button, contact form plugin, contacts form plugin, attachment, send, copy, attachment, send copy, save messages, download messafes, manage messages, Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 3.8.1 Stable tag: 1.3.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html The plugin allows you to manage messages that have been sent via the contact form on your site. == Description == Contact Form to DB plugin is an exclusive add-on for the Contact Form plugin by BestWebSoft. The plugin provides a unique opportunity to manage messages sent from your site via the contact form. The list of its features is really impressive: messages can be saved, browsed, deleted or downloaded from the Dashboard. In case you decide to deactivate the plugin, it will serve as a repository for your old messages. Once you install and activate it, not a single message will be lost! Please pay attention, that this plugin is an add-on ONLY for Contact Form plugin by BestWebSoft, that's why it will not work with any other contact form plugins. Contact Form to DB is compatible both with a free and a PRO version of Contact Form. There is also a premium version of the plugin, allowing to re-send and preiodically delete old messages, manage attachments and get detailed support and answers to your questions within one business day. FAQ Support Upgrade to Pro Version Contact Form Pro Contact Form Plugin = Copyrights for Resources used in this plugin = 1. In Contact Form To DB Plugin used fancyBox which licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 license. 2. Everything else used in this plugin has been created by bestwebsoft, especially for the Contact Form To DB Plugin and is distributed under GPL license. = Features = * Actions: You can save messages that have been sent from the site via the Contact Form to your databese. * Actions: You can manage messages (browse, delete and download messages) from Dashboard. = Recommended Plugins = The author of the Contact Form To DB also recommends the following plugins: * Updater - This plugin updates WordPress core and the plugins to the recent versions. You can also use the auto mode or manual mode for updating and set email notifications. There is also a premium version of the plugin Updater Pro with more useful features available. It can make backup of all your files and database before updating. Also it can forbid some plugins or WordPress Core update. = Translation = * French (fr_FR) (thanks to Capronnier luc) * Russian (ru_RU) * Ukrainian (uk) If you create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send the text in PO and MO files for BestWebSoft and we'll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO files Poedit. = Technical support = Dear users, our plugins are available for free download. If you have any questions or recommendations regarding the functionality of our plugins (existing options, new options, current issues), please feel free to contact us. Please note that we accept requests in English only. All messages in another languages won't be accepted. If you notice any bugs in the plugins, you can notify us about it and we'll investigate and fix the issue then. Your request should contain URL of the website, issues description and WordPress admin panel credentials. Moreover we can customize the plugin according to your requirements. It's a paid service (as a rule it costs $40, but the price can vary depending on the amount of the necessary changes and their complexity). Please note that we could also include this or that feature (developed for you) in the next release and share with the other users then. We can fix some things for free for the users who provide translation of our plugin into their native language (this should be a new translation of a certain plugin, you can check available translations on the official plugin page). == Installation == 1. Upload the `contact-form-to-db` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin using the 'Plugins' menu in your WordPress admin panel. 3. You can adjust the necessary settings using your WordPress admin panel in "BWS Plugins" > "Contact Form to DB". == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why am I unable to see the file which is attached to the letter? = Because the ability to save and manage attachments is available only in the PRO version of the plugin. = In what formats can the messages be saved? = You can save messages in "csv", "xml" and "eml" formats. = Why does Contact Form to DB pugin not work without Contact Form plugin? = This plugin was created especially as an extension for Contact Form plugin. It can receive messages ONLY from Contact Form plugin. In case you used Contact Form plugin with Contact Form to DB plugin arlier and decide to delete or deactivate it, Contact Form to DB plugin will work as an archive for your old messages. = How can I remove the column "Send counter" from the list of messages? = Click on "Screen Options" button in the right top corner on manager page and deselect the item "Send counter". = I have some problems with the plugin's work. What Information should I provide to receive proper support? = Please make sure that the problem hasn't been discussed yet on our forum (http://support.bestwebsoft.com). If no, please provide the following data along with your problem's description: 1. the link to the page where the problem occurs 2. the name of the plugin and its version. If you are using a pro version - your order number. 3. the version of your WordPress installation 4. copy and paste into the message your system status report. Please read more here: System_Status.pdf == Screenshots == 1. Plugin settings in WordPress admin panel when "save message" option is disabled. 2. Plugin settings in WordPress admin panel when "save message" option is enabled. 3. Contact Form to DB manager page display. 4. Message on the Contact Form to DB manager page display. 5. Spam page on the Contact Form to DB manager page display. == Changelog == = V1.3.6 - 11.03.2014 = * Budfix : Plugin optimization is done. * Update : The French language file is updated. = V1.3.5 - 14.02.2014 = * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8.1. * Update : BWS plugins section is updated. = V1.3.4 - 16.12.2013 = * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8. * NEW : A notice when changing settings on the plugin's settings page was added. = V1.3.3 - 25.11.2013 = * NEW : The French language file is added to the plugin. * Update : BWS plugins section is updated. = V1.3.2 - 4.11.2013 = * NEW : Add notice about disabled option "Save messages to database". = V1.3.1 - 1.11.2013 = * NEW : Add checking installed wordpress version. * NEW : The Ukrainian language file is added to the plugin. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.7.1. = V1.3 - 28.10.2013 = * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.7. = V1.2 - 22.10.2013 = * Bugfix : Fixed a bug that appeared when you needed to restore a message that had been marked as Trash. = V1.1 - 18.10.2013 = * NEW : Added info about licenses for Resources used in this plugin. Fixed bugs that appeared when using this plugin in Wordpress Multisite. = V1.0 - 17.10.2013 = * NEW : Ability to manage messages that have been sent from website from Contact Form Plugin by BestWebSoft. == Upgrade Notice == = V1.3.6 = Plugin optimization is done. The French language file is updated. = V1.3.5 = We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8.1. BWS plugins section is updated. = V1.3.4 = We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8. A notice when changing settings on the plugin's settings page was added. = V1.3.3 = The French language file is added to the plugin. BWS plugins section is updated. = V1.3.2 = Add notice about disabled option "Save messages to database". = V1.3.1 = Add checking installed wordpress version. The Ukrainian language file is added to the plugin. We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.7.1. = V1.3 = We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.7. = V1.2 = Fixed a bug that appeared when you needed to restore a message that had been marked as Trash. Upgrade immediately. = V1.1 = Added info about licenses for Resources used in this plugin. Fixed bugs that appeared when using this plugin in Wordpress Multisite. Upgrade immediately. = V1.0 = Upgrade immediately.