=== Contact Form 7 === Contributors: takayukister Tags: contact form, email, ajax Requires at least: 2.2 Tested up to: 2.3-beta3 Stable tag: 1.4.4 Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible. == Description == Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible. * Supports multiple contact forms. * You can customize form and mail contents with simple markup. * Client side validation and AJAX submitting with jQuery Form Plugin. * Spam filtering with Akismet. = Localization Included = Thank you for your contribution. * Catalan, by [Jordi Sancho](http://www.qasolutions.net/blog) * French, by [Jillij](http://www.jillij.com/) * German, by [Marcel Spitau](http://blog.spitau.de) * Italian, by [Bruno](http://www.brunosalzano.com) * Japanese, by [Takayuki Miyoshi](http://ideasilo.wordpress.com) (plugin author) * Polish, by [Zbigniew Czernik](http://zibik.jogger.pl/) * Spanish, by [Jordi Sancho](http://www.qasolutions.net/blog) If you have translated Contact Form 7 in your language, please let me know and send me [gettext .po and .mo files](http://codex.wordpress.org/Translating_WordPress). == Installation == 1. Upload whole `contact-form-7` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = Akismet says all messages are spam. What's wrong? = There are settings you need to do as well as checking in "Apply Akismet spam filter" checkbox. In the meantime, see this [release announcement](http://ideasilo.wordpress.com/2007/09/07/contact-form-7-14/). == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.png