=== Contact Form 7 Controls === Contributors: kasparsd, buzztone Tags: Contact Form 7, cf7, admin, backend, redirect, tracking, google analytics, ga, simple, interface, dashboard, recaptcha Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.6.1 Stable tag: trunk Adds simple controls for some of the advanced functionality of the Contact Form 7 plugin. == Description == This plugin adds simple admin controls for the following customization of the [Contact Form 7](http://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/) form output: - Disable AJAX form submission - Disable default form CSS - Disable automatic paragraph formatting - Disable HTML5 input field types or enable the HTML5 input type fallback - Track form submissions and completions with Google Analytics - Redirect to URL on form submission - Specify Google Recaptcha language. Note that some settings work on per-page level and will inherit for all forms on the same page. For example, disabling AJAX form submissions for one form will disable AJAX submissions on all forms on _that page_. = Saving Form Submissions in WordPress = The "[Storage for Contact Form 7](http://codecanyon.net/item/storage-for-contact-form-7-/7806229)" plugin automatically stores all the contact form submissions (including attachments) in your WordPress database. It also provides the CSV export of the form entries. == Installation == Search for "Contact Form 7 Controls" using the standard plugin installer. == Frequently Asked Questions == None, yet. == Screenshots == 1. Contact Form 7 Advanced Controls == Changelog == = 0.3.1 (October 19, 2016) = - Test with the latest version of WordPress = 0.3 (October 8, 2015) = - Add the Google Recaptcha language setting. - Update the translation source file. = 0.2 (September 6, 2015) = - Make compatible with Contact Form 7 version 4.3 and later. - Rename the plugin to "Contact Form 7 Controls" in the repository. = 0.1.5 = - Bugfix: display the correct number of entries submitted for each contact form. - Update translation POT file. = 0.1.4 = - Check if `_gaq` Google Analytics global exists before adding an event. = 0.1.3 = - Fix Google Analytics tracking for sent event too. = 0.1.2 = - Fix Google Analytics tracking with automatic GA version detection. = 0.1.1 = - Update readme. - Use stable tags instead of trunk for releases. = 0.1 = - Initial release.