=== consentmanager === Contributors: Falko Berg Donate link: no donate-link provided Tags: privacy, DSGVO, GDPR, IAB, CMP, consent, advertising, cookie, banner, CCPA, data protection, eprivacy, TCF Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 6.1 Stable tag: 3.0.3 Requires PHP: 5.4 License: GPLv2 License URI: https://wordpress.org/about/gpl/ The consentmanager.net CMP (Consent Management Provider) allows your to easily collect consent form your websites visitors in order to become GDPR and CCPA compliant. == Description == How does it work? Our CMP solution is very simple to integrate: Simply login to your [consentmanager.net](https://consentmanager.net/) account, setup your website(s), create the code and paste it into your website/plugin. Our platform will automatically start gathering consent from your visitors. As soon as the code is in your website, advertisers will have access to the consent data via the open source API defined by the IAB. In addition you will get detailed reports which show you how your visitors are behaving with the consent layer, how many consents you get and how you can optimize your strategie in order to obtain higher rates of consent. == Installation == Simple installation. Install our plugin in your Wordpress, get your CMP-ID at [https://www.consentmanager.net/client/codes.php](https://www.consentmanager.net/client/codes.php) and insert the ID in the plugin settings. That’s all! == Frequently Asked Questions == = Do I need a CMP? = Short answer: Probably yes. Long answer: If your company is based in the EEA (European Economic Area) or if you are dealing with customers/visitors from this area and show them advertising, it is very likely that you will collect and/or process personal data such as IP-addresses. Therefore, according to GDPR, you need to make sure that the visitor is informed and you need to ask the user for consent. In order to do this you will need a CMP. = When does this become necessary? = GDPR is "active" since 25. of May 2018. From this day on you will probably need a CMP. = How do I obtain consent from my visitors? = By integrating our CMP into your website ;-) Our CMP will display a message to visitors and ask them to give consent. We will then store this choice and make it available to your advertisers and other vendors (tools) so that they know if/how they can work with personal data. = Will the CMP block advertisers from my page do not have consent? = Yes, our CMP offers a solution to block advertisers/codes that do not have consent from the visitor. = Is it complicated? = No! In the simplest case you only have to integrate a code into your website - that's all! = Your question is missing here? = Any question that you think is missing here? Get in touch with us and tell us your questions! == Screenshots == 1. CMP example 1 2. CMP example 2 3. CMP example 3 4. CMP example 4 == Changelog == 1.0.1 - fixing a small bug while saving the ID 1.0.2 - fixing some style 1.0.3 - adding some screenshots 1.0.4 - small update 1.1.0 - adding CCPA compliance 1.1.3 - small validation updates, tested up to WP RC 5.7 2.0 - adding additional features: automatic serverside blocking + automatic clientside blocking 2.0.1 - disable CMP WP backend 2.0.2 - optional enable/disable CMP for logged in WP admins 2.0.3 - smaller bug fixes 2.0.4 - updated blocking codes | cleaned up coding standards/identations | cleaned up class names | removed debug code | renamed functions with prefixes | escaped posts properly | removed logic of saving local file | temporary removed serverside blocking mode until found performance solution | sanitized & escaped input codes | native enqueue functions for scripts | cleanup code styles | fix for adding data attributes to autoblocking script | autoblocking script higher in head 2.0.5 - added host/cdn fields [optional] 2.0.6 - fix for semi-automatic blocking code 2.0.7 - bug fix: remove protocol for semiautomatic blocking 3.0 - ready for WordPress 6.0 3.0.1 - Replaced wrong screenshot