=== Conditional Blocks - Control any Gutenberg Block === Contributors: morganhvidt Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/morganhvidt/ Tags: conditional blocks, Gutenberg, conditions, conditionally, restrict blocks, hide content, restrict content, mobile blocks, restrict, block controls, block editor Requires at least: 5.2 Tested up to: 5.3 Stable tag: trunk Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Author URI: https://conditionalblocks.com/ Conditionally show or hide any Gutenberg Blocks! == Description == Conditional Blocks allows you to create a unique experience for your visitors and customers. Conditionally hide any Gutenberg Block, even third-party blocks! You can use Conditional Blocks to restrict content on a memebership site, or you can created unique design on your landing pages. Be creative, Conditional Blocks in the WordPress block editor gives you open hands to explore different way of building templates, block groups and more. ## What can conditional blocks do? Included Conditions: * Show or Hide block based user state (logged in or out users). * Show blocks depending on screen size (mobile, tablet, desktop). [Learn more about the features](https://conditionalblocks.com/) Pro Conditions: * Show block depending on user rules (WooCommerce Customer, editors etc). * Show block for specific Date Ranges. * Show block for any device (iPhone, Android, macOS and Windows). * Show block based URL Referer (e.g if user came from Google.com). * Show block on Custom Field value, post meta condition. [Learn about Conditional Blocks Pro](https://conditionalblocks.com/) ### Restrict Gutenberg Blocks Restrict any Gutenberg block by simply clicking on it, You'll be able to set it to appear for logged in or out users only. Great for creating members only content on your site. ### Control Mobile Blocks You can select specific screen sizes to display your blocks on, and exclude them from others! Pick and choose if the block should be shown on mobile, tablet or desktop. ### Compatibility We've tested Conditional Blocks with the follow plugins: * Stackable * Atomic Blocks * CoBlocks * Editorskit * WooCommerce Blocks * Easy Digital Downloads Block * Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg * Otter Blocks & Templates Please reach out on support if you are experiencing issues with another plugin. == Installation == Conditional Blocks for Gutenberg Installation Instructions: 1. Upload the Conditional Blocks plugin to your /wp-content/plugin/ directory or through the plugin admin section under "add new"., 2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress., 3. That's it! == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I conditionally hide any block? = Yes, you can conditionally hide any Gutenberg block using any of the conditions. == Screenshots == 1. Gutenberg Editor logged out/in user content block. 2. Frontend showing the logged out user block. 3. Editor options for conditionally showing block on screen sizes. 4. Frontend showing different blocks for different screens. == Changelog == = 1.0.3 = * Improved how device size conditions are handled across all blocks. * Fixed hiding on device sizes across could cause full-width blocks to be standard size. * Fixed Conditional Blocks highlighting for Gutenberg 7.4+ * Fixed postmeta condition being skipped. * Fixed postmeta condition saving incorrectly on blocks. = 1.0.2 = * Removed Freeemius and tracking. = 1.0.1 = * New Date Range Conditions for Blocks in Pro! [Learn about Date Conditions](https://conditionalblocks.com/) * Improved JS browers caching with file versions. * Improved code structure. * Fixed conflict with Yoast and other plugings which triggers Gutenberg by using React. = 1.0.0 = * initial Release of Conditional Blocks for Gutenberg. == Upgrade Notice ==