=== Comment E-Mail Verification === Contributors: tfnab Donate link: http://ten-fingers-and-a-brain.com/donate/ Tags: comments, spam, email, verification, email verification, commentmeta Requires at least: 2.9 Tested up to: 2.9.1 Stable tag: 0.1.1 If a comments is held for moderation an email message is sent to the comment author with a link to verify the comment author's email address. == Description == If a comments is held for moderation an email message is sent to the comment author with a link to verify the comment author's email address. When the comment author clicks on that link the comment gets approved immediately. This makes discussions more lively as users don't have to wait for the blog admin to approve the comment. If an author has a previously approved comment and his comments gets approved automatically according to the 'comment_whitelist' option in WordPress no email is sent. If a comment is classified as spam by Akismet or another anti-spam plugin no email is sent. This plugin uses the new `commentmeta` table and thus requires WordPress 2.9 == Installation == 1. Upload the entire `comment-email-verify` folder to the `wp-content/plugins` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Go to Settings -> Comment E-Mail Verification to customize the email message that is sent to comment authors. == Frequently Asked Questions == = This is in a very rough state = Yes. The version is 0.1.1 = Will this plugin work with versions of WordPress older than 2.9 = Absolutely not. This plugin uses the `commentmeta` table new to WordPress 2.9 == Screenshots == 1. Customize the email message that is sent to comment authors == Changelog == = 0.1.1 = * Administrators can now customize the email message that is sent to comment authors * Blogname encoding issue fixed * Default message slightly reformatted * Short GPLv3 note in source code = 0.1 = * initial public release == Upgrade Notice == = 0.1.1 = Administrators can now customize the email message that is sent to comment authors