=== Coming Soon With Divi Soon === Contributors: divistride, james-fosker, foskermedia Tags: divi, divi theme, divi builder, coming soon, coming soon page, under construction Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 5.7.1 Stable tag: 1.4 Requires PHP: 5.2.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Hide your Divi Powered website with a coming soon page by using a Divi layout as your coming soon page. == Description == This plugin allows for you hide your Divi website that you are busy working on, by setting a Divi layout from your library as a coming soon page, so that you may work on your website in private. == Changelog == = 1.0. = * WP repository update. = 3.2 = * Redeveloped for the WordPress repository. = 3.3 = * Fix upload error where SVN didn't sync certain files. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where do I find the Divi Soon Settings? = You can find the Divi Soon settings under Divi menu item, there is a sub-menu item called Divi Soon. by clicking it the WordPress customizer will open the Divi Soon Panel = How to turn on the coming soon page? = Once you've opened the settings, you will see a option called "Enable Divi Soon" == Screenshots == 1. The Divi Soon setting customizer panel == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.1 = recoded for Divi 4+ and for the WP repository = 1.0.0 = Initial version of the plugin, which was available from Divi Stride since 2017