=== Codestyling Localization === Contributors: codestyling Tags: gettext, language, translation, poedit, localization, plugin, wpmu Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 2.7 Stable tag: 1.72 You can manage and edit all gettext translation files (*.po/*.mo) directly out of WordPress Admin Center without any need of an external editor. == Description == You can manage and edit all gettext translation files (*.po/*.mo) directly out of your WordPress Admin Center without any need of an external editor. It automatically detects the gettext ready components (like WordPress itself or any plugin / theme supporting gettext), is able to scan the related source files and assists you using Google translate API during translation. This plugin supports WordPress MU and allows explicit WPMU plugin translation too. It newly introduces ignore-case and regular expression search during translation. = Requirements = 1. WordPress version 2.5 and later 1. PHP Interpreter version 4.4.2 or later Please visit [the official website](http://www.code-styling.de/english/development/wordpress-plugin-codestyling-localization-en "Codestyling Localization") for further details and the latest information on this plugin. = Details = 1. automatic detection of gettext ready components like WordPress, Plugins or Themes 1. creation of new language translation files at choosen language (ensures correct plural definitions too) 1. inplace adjusting of *.mo/*.po file permissions to be able to tranlate it 1. component specific (re)scan of source file to build the updated catalog entries 1. wrapping multiple plugins using same textdomain into one translation unit (like plugin and it's widget(s)) 1. extended editing of full gettext catalog assisted by using Google translate API 1. full catalog search (exact match) with instant result set view for source or target language 1. correct handling of language dependend plural forms by providing appropriated edit dialog 1. first support of WMPU plugins started at version 1.60 = Announcement = As i stated at one of my articles [Features and Future Development](http://www.code-styling.de/english/wordpress-localization-features-and-future-development) this Version 1.x trunk will be maintained now only. This is because of complete rewrite and massive feature implementation of version 2.x series. This may also imply, that the new upcomming version (planned for end of February) will run at first release from WP 2.7 and not lower versions. I will nevertheless support the 1.x trunk, but it would not get more features from now. Please look at the article, it also shows more sneak peak screens of upcomming features. == Installation == 1. Uncompress the download package 1. Upload folder including all files and sub directories to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Translate your resources using 'Manage' menu at new 'Localization' sub menu == Frequently Asked Questions == = Change Log 1.72 = * enabled fa_IR (persian Language) for initial creation * updated russian language file (meets now 1.71/1.72 content fully) * udpated spain language file (translation mistake contained) = History? = Please visit [the official website](http://www.code-styling.de/english/development/wordpress-plugin-codestyling-localization-en "Codestyling Localization") for the latest information on this plugin. = Where can I get more information? = Please visit [the official website](http://www.code-styling.de/english/development/wordpress-plugin-codestyling-localization-en "Codestyling Localization") for the latest information on this plugin. == Screenshots == 1. management center 1. language creation 1. rescan source files 1. catalog content editor 1. simple gettext entry 1. plural gettext entry == Other Notes == = Acknowledgements = Thanks to [Frank Bueltge](http://bueltge.de/ "Frank Bueltge") , Ingo Henze and [Alphawolf](http://www.schloebe.de/ "Alphawolf") for qualified beta testing and improvement comments and [Knut Sparhell](http://sparhell.no/knut/ "Knut Sparhell") who detects the 'short_open_tag = off' Bug contained. Also many thanks for all that qualified translations: [Gianni](http://gidibao.net/ "Gianni") for the quick Italiano translation [Gary](http://www.gary711.net/ "Gary") for traditional Chinese Taiwan 中文(台灣) jtoth for Română translation Дмитрий for Русский translation [keopx](http://www.keopx.net/ "keopx") for Basque and Spain translation Lionel Chollet, Gilles Wittezaele, [Fabien Waroux](http://wp.fabonweb.net/ "Fabien Waroux") for French translation dreamcolor for Chinese China (中华人民共和国) = Licence = This plugins is released under the GPL, you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial blog. = Translations = The german translation has been created with this plugin itself. Feel free to make you translation related to your native language. If you have a ready to publish translation of this plugin not pre-packaged yet, please send me an email. I will extend the package and remark your work at Acknowledgements.