=== Client Scroller Widget === Contributors: Rajapress Tags: clientscroller,client scroller,clientslider,client slider,clientwidget,clientslideshow,clientele,responsive slideshow widget Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.5 Stable tag: 1.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Easily create responsive & lightweight client scroller (rotator) widgets in your sidebars.Install it Free today! == Description == "Client Scroller provides a magic lightning-fast responsive Slider Widget. Integrates nivo slider script without any conflicts." "You can add images to rotate in any sidebar. Arrange image order with drag & drop. You can also add links to each image." "Easy to install, simple to use, straightforward to configure, and with a wealth of 8 options and 11 Transition Effects." **Client Scroller Widget allows you to:** **Testimonials** * The process to install this wonderful client scroller plugin was fast. The plugin works great with 5.5 too. Thanks again! - Tim * Your service, Client Scroller, is simply amazing, i was searching for a good clientele for my web company and i found yours. Thanks! -Wagener == Installation == 1. Upload the 'client-scroller-widget' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Add your "Client Scroller widget" to any sidebar from the 'Widgets' screen. 4. Setup the slider/rotator setting within the widget 5. Enjoy! == Frequently asked questions == = Can we add links to images? = Yes. You can add a different link for each image in each slider, as you like. = Can we reorder images easily in the slider? = Yes. You can drag and drop the images to reorder them easily. = Can we easily edit options and reorder images within the widget? = Yes. There are 8 options, 11 animation effects and you can drag the images to arrange order after you insert them to the widget. = Can we use multiple widgets in the same sidebar? = Yes. As many as you like. = Can we use multiple widgets in the same page? = Yes. As many as you like. = Can we use the widgets in the same page where we have another nivo script running? = Yes. It won't conflict with existing nivo scripts. == Screenshots == 1. Client Scroller Widget overview 2. Client Scroller Widget Transition Effects 3. Single image Settings == Changelog == = 1.2 = *Client Scroller Widget launched. == Upgrade notice ==