=== Click2Refer Virtual Dictionary === Author: Dinesh Babu.T Donate link: http://www.zingersaga.net Tags: Dictionary, Utility, Readability, Click2Refer, Wordnet Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 3.0 Stable tag: 4.3 Version: 1.0 Click2Refer helps readers to get quick reference from Dictionary in a double click. == Description == Click2Refer plugin lets the blog readers to lookup the Wordnet English dictionary just by a double click on the word they want to refer. A message will appear below the blog entry’s title about the plugin that "You can double click on any word to get its meaning". Right upon the first double click on a word, a window will pop into that weblog page. It will remain floating in the page to make successive references. Readers need not switch between windows or tabs to get the reference, when they make a double click on a word, a window will pop out in the blog page itself, where definitions will be displayed. It will be certainly useful for non-English readers. In future versions, Click2Refer will be extended to refer dictionaries other than English. == Installation == 1. Upload `plugin-name.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == == Screenshots == 1. This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif). Note that the screenshot is taken from the directory of the stable readme.txt, so in this case, `/tags/4.3/screenshot-1.png` (or jpg, jpeg, gif) 2. This is the second screen shot == Changelog == = 1.0 = Version with standard features working