=== Clever Mega Menu for Visual Composer === Contributors: zootemplate License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Tags: navigation menu, visual composer, mega menu, flyout menu, wordpress mega menu Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 4.7.2 Stable tag: 1.0.0 Fully control over WordPress navigation menus with ease of visual editing from Visual Composer. == Description == Clever Mega Menu is an easy to use Mega Menu Plugin For Visual Composer. This plugin is user-friendly, highly customizable and fully responsive. Clever Mega Menu lets you add almost anything , such as raw HTML, shortcodes or widgets... into navigation menus easily without any coding knowledge. See [Clever Mega Menu Demo](http://wpplugin.zootemplate.com/clevermegamenu/) and [online documentation](http://doc.zootemplate.com/clevermegamenu/) for more info. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm7wV1wf0qc&list=PL1bNtAdelzYSfSfrw8D9Uw7xodWnLkAWq ###Key Features: * Selective menu icons * Selective menu skins * Selective menu layouts * Selective submenu layouts * Import/Export menu themes * Drag and drop mega menu builder * Conditionally show/hide menu item * Touch, retina and accessibility ready * Multiple CSS3 menu transition effects * Display mega menus and flyout menus responsively * Display widgets, shortcodes, raw HTML... responsively * Multiple menus per page with different menu skins. * Builds upon the standard WordPress menus system * Multiple menu locations with their own configuration * Adaptive menus with more than 100 menu theme options ####Pro Features: * SEO ready * Vertical menus * Advanced support * Advanced menu widgets * Unlimited menu icons * Custom menu item CSS * Menu location generator * Advanced mega panel design box * Roles & restrictions for menu items ####Help & Support If you have any issue, feel free to get help at [Plugin Helpdesk](http://member.zootemplate.com/helpdesk/). We really appreciate your feedbacks. == Installation == = From within WordPress Admin Dashboard = 1. Visit 'Plugins > Add New' 2. Search for 'Clever Mega Menu' 3. Activate Clever Mega Menu from your Plugins page. 4. Go to "after activation" below. = Manually = 1. Upload the `clever-mega-menu` folder to the WordPress Plugins directory 2. Activate the Clever Mega Menu plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Go to "after activation" below. = After activation = 1. You should see a notice about plugin activated. 2. You're done! == Frequently Asked Questions == >Q: Do I have to purchase Visual Composer to use this plugin? >A: Yes, Clever Mega Menu does not come with Visual Composer by default and requires Visual Composer version 4.9 at least. >Q: Does this menu replace entire my site header? >A: No, Clever Mega Menu does not replace anything and only changes contents and appearance of navigation menus when Clever Mega Menu is enabled. >For other questions, feel free to get help at our [plugin helpdesk](http://member.zootemplate.com/helpdesk). = Further Reading = For more info, check out the following documentation and videos: * The [get started documentation](http://doc.zootemplate.com/clevermegamenu/). * [Online video tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1bNtAdelzYSfSfrw8D9Uw7xodWnLkAWq). == Screenshots == 1. Back-end editor screen of Widgets menu item. 2. Front-end screen of the Widgets menu item. 3. Other front-end screen of a multiple WP Custom Menu inside a mega panel. == Changelog == = 1.0.0 - January 17th, 2017 = * Initial release.