=== Church Theme Content === Contributors: churchthemes, stevengliebe Tags: church, churches, sermon, sermons, ministry, ministries Requires at least: 3.6 Tested up to: 3.6 Stable tag: trunk License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html Provides compatible themes with sermon, event, person and location post types, taxonomies and fields. Requires a compatible theme for showing content. == Description == = Who this is for = This plugin is intended for a very specific audience. If you are *not* one of the below then this plugin will not be useful to you. * Users of themes made by [churchthemes.com](http://churchthemes.com) * Users of themes from other providers made *specifically* for use with this plugin * Theme developers wanting to improve data portability among church WordPress sites = What it does = It enables users to manage *sermons*, *events*, *people* and *locations* to be displayed by a compatible theme. Experienced WordPress developers agree that functionality like this does not belong in themes since themes are intended only to control the appearance of a WordPress site. Content that users might expect to take with them if they switch themes should "live" in a plugin. Similarly, our approach is not to display content using the plugin since themes offer more control for that purpose. This is why a **compatible theme is required**. See [screenshots](http://wordpress.org/plugins/church-theme-content/screenshots/) for a tour of features. Note also that sermon audio podcasting is built-in. = Developers = Please see the [Developer Guide](http://churchthemes.com/guides/developer/church-theme-content/) on churchthemes.com for notes on developing themes that use this plugin. A couple benefits are that you will save time and be helping to accomplish better data portability among church websites powered by WordPress. You can follow development on [GitHub](https://github.com/churchthemes/church-theme-content). == Installation == Please see [Installing Plugins](http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Installing_Plugins) in the WordPress Codex. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I use this plugin with any theme? = No, a theme made specifically for use with this plugin is necessary for displaying content. Please see *Who this is for* in the plugin [description](http://wordpress.org/plugins/church-theme-content/). = Can make a theme that uses this plugin? = Yes, please see the [Developer Guide](http://churchthemes.com/guides/developer/church-theme-content/). == Screenshots == 1. Sermons 2. Add sermon 3. Sermon topics 4. Events 5. Add event 6. Locations 7. Add location 8. People 9. Add person == Changelog == See [releases](https://github.com/churchthemes/church-theme-content/releases) on GitHub.