=== ChatX.ai === Contributors: chatx Tags: sales, abandoned carts, recover abandoned carts, chatx, woocommerce, chatbot, facebook messenger, facebook, recover, cart recovery, abandon cart, increase sales Tested up to: 4.8.1 Stable tag: 1.5.5 Requires at least: 3.0 Recover abandoned carts on WooCommerce using an intelligent Facebook Messenger chatbot. == Description == ChatX.ai plugin help you **recover more abandoned carts** on your WooCommerce store, by using a new incredible technology: Facebook Messenger Chatbots. And all you have to do is to simply install this plugin. **It only takes 5 minutes** to set up the chatbot and create an account on ChatX.ai. After this point, you won’t have to do anything. Just watch how you get more sales from the same leads. = How it Works = First, we track your abandoned carts and the related Facebook users. We promise **this is not spam** and we respect all policies from Facebook Messenger ToS. After a number of hours from the cart abandonment, your customer will receive a message from your store’s Facebook page (yes, you will need a Facebook page). In that message, he will be reminded of the products left in cart. The chatbot will try to convince him to finish the order. Here, you have some options like allowing the chatbot to use a discount coupon, or scarcity to be more convincing. You can read more about how ChatX.ai works on [our official website](https://chatx.ai/). == Changelog == = 0.1.0 = * The first version available on WordPress.org. == Installation == Install like any other plugin, directly from your plugins page. After you activate the plugin, you will be prompted to “Connect with ChatX.ai”. This will bring the chatbot alive and it’s a very important step for everything to work well. == How to uninstall ChatX.ai == First you’ll have to go to ChatX.ai -> Settings -> Billing and click the red “Deactivate” button. At this moment your ChatX.ai account is deactivated and the chatbot won’t send any more messages. After this point, you can simply go to the Plugins section and deactivate & uninstall the ChatX.ai plugin. == Updates == Updates of the plugin will be posted here.