=== Unofficial cformsII table display === Contributors: mpntod Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9XCNM4QSVHYT8 Tags: cformsii,form,table,count,shortcode Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 3.3.1 Stable tag: 0.2 Replaces a shortcode such as [cformstable form='nameofyourform'] with a table or a count of data collected via the cformsII plugin == Description == Replaces a shortcode such as `[cformstable form='nameofyourform']` with a table of data or a count of information collected via the excellent [cformsII](http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-plugin/). Possible variables for your shortcode include: * display = 'number' or 'table' - (the default is 'number') * form = 'the name of your form' * vars = list of variable names separated by commas e.g. 'Name,Date,Comment' * limit = 'the maximum lines to show in the table' * sortdir = 'asc' or 'desc' * sort = 'form', 'id', 'date', 'ip' or 'email' or any other form input field, e.g. 'Your Name' == Installation == 1. Upload `cformstable.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Place a shortcode such `[cformstable display='table']` in your post or page == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does the plug-in work without CFormsII installed? = No. You need to [install it](http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-plugin/). == Changelog == 0.2 First published version == Upgrade Notice == Enables you to manage the plugin automatically via Wordpress Plugin Repository == Screenshots == It's a pure text replacement plugin, so the screenshots will have to wait I'm afraid