Installing the plugin --------------------- Please upload the complete plugin folder /cforms/, contained in this zip file, to your WP plugin directory! If there is no /cforms/ root folder in this zip file, please create one in your WordPress plugins/ folder. !!!!! Upgrading the plugin -------------------------- cforms v9.0+ comes with a new and cleaner method of storing all settings. Before you upgrade and migrate your existing settings, **** make sure you've made a backup of your current WP database! **** Then commence with a manual upgrade, including proper plugin deactivation and re-activation, followed by the guided data migration. Did you modify any cforms theme (CSS) files, images etc? -------------------------------------------------------- Create a custom folder under /plugins/ & call it "custom-cforms". Move all your custom files into it, this folder will protect your changes going forward, WP's auto update can not overwrite these. If you update maually, please deactivate the plugin before you install the update (replacing the current cforms dir with the new one) Also note that it is always advisable to make or keep a backup of your current plugin directory just in case you need to revert back to a previous release! Localization: ------------- Please read: 00_Plugin_Localization/Language-Support.txt