=== Category Page Extender === Contributors: grpsmglr00 Tags: admin, pages, category, formatting, plugin, categories, integration, page, theme Requires at least: 2.2 Tested up to: 2.8.4 Stable tag: 1.0.3 Inserts posts into pages corresponding to category. Add on plugin for Category Page by pixline.net. Requieres an active installation of Category Page 2.5 or greater by pixline.net. == Description == This plugin builds on the Category Page plugin making it possible to automatically insert posts into pages and subpages based on categories. You must have a current version of Category Page installed in order to function. . Visit plugin page [here](http://categorypageextender.wordpress.com/) == Installation == ***Requires a current installation of Category Page: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/page2cat/ 1. Download the plugin Zip archive. 2. Upload `Category Page Extender` folder to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 4. Setup some relationship between Categories and Pages using the Category Page plugin 5. Tweak `page.php` in your theme folder (please [read here](http://categorypageextender.wordpress.com) to learn how). 1. Enjoy! == Changelog == 1.0.3 - Fixed Firefox display error due to html comments in category-page-extender.php file
1.0.2 - Fixed page navigation
1.0.1 - Fixed header output error
1.0 - Original Release == Usage == To view complete instructions [read here](http://categorypageextender.wordpress.com) Open up page.php in your template folder (you may also set up a seperate a Page Template) For the most basic setup, insert the following below the loop statement in the page.php file:
<?php if( function_exists(page2cat_pages)){ page2cat_pages($post->ID);} ?>

I recommend you wrap the function in your standard post class. For example:
<div class="post">
<?php if( function_exists(page2cat_pages)){ page2cat_pages($post->ID);} ?>

Plugin Options ID, posts per page, number of pages);} ?>

Posts per page: (default = 10) set to 0 to show all This sets the number of posts to show at one time on the page. Number of pages: (default = 15) set to 0 to show all This tells how many page numbers to show at a time on the page navigation bar. Example of Category Page Extender with variables:
<?php if( function_exists(page2cat_pages)){ page2cat_pages($post->ID, 5, 10);} ?>

This will list 5 posts and up to 10 page numbers at a time on the page navigation bar. [Plugin Homepage](http://categorypageextender.wordpress.com/)