=== Cataloggi - eCommerce Product Catalog === Contributors: codeweby Donate Link: https://cataloggi.com/donate/ Tags: cataloggi, catalog, catalogue, webshop, product, products, responsive, sell, service, selling, list, listing, goods, digital, download, downloadable, e-commerce, ecommerce, e-shop, online, shop, cart, cart system, checkout, online shop, store, payments, shopping, shopping cart, wordpress, wordpress shopping cart, wordpress store, wp shop, wp ecommerce, widgets, admin, gateway, PayPal, Stripe, free Requires at least: 4.5 Tested up to: 4.7.3 Stable tag: 1.2.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Multifunctional Ecommerce Product Catalog included with many features. Payment Buttons, Credit Card Payments, PayPal, Stripe and more. == Description == **What is Cataloggi?** Cataloggi is a multifunctional ecommerce product catalog that you can use as a simple product catalog or if you wish you can turn it into an ecommerce shop by a single-click and start selling services or any type of virtual and digital products. Via the built in PayPal Standard payment gateway you can start accepting payments on your site in minutes. **Payment Buttons** Create beautiful payment buttons, Buy Now, Pay Now, Donation or any type of buttons then place the created buttons anywhere on your WordPress site pages or posts. **Main Features** * Responsive design looks perfect on any devices included mobiles, tablets and desktops. * Multisite compatible. * Create beautiful payment buttons. * Sell any type of services, virtual or digital products. * PayPal Standard payment gateway included. * Ajax powered cart and checkout pages - no page redirects. * Custom thank you page and order receipt. * Advanced form validation and Ajax powered secure form processing. * Built in SMTP mailer to send secure emails. * Email notifications for admin and buyer upon any sales made. * Admin orders page and user’s orders history page. * Manually create new orders and send payment requests via an email. * Built in contact, registration, login and forgot password forms. **Catalog Features** * Add unlimited number of products/categories. * Organize products into categories and subcategories. * Export/Import Products. * Grid or List product view. (Normal, Large, List) * Choose to display the number of products per page. * Products and categories ASC/DESC order. * Products and categories order by. (ID, Author, Title etc.) * Choose to display the product thumb image, price and the description. * Products search form. **Documentation** Detailed documentation available at: [Cataloggi Docs](https://cataloggi.com/category/docs/cataloggi-docs/ 'Cataloggi Docs') **Demo** Front end catalog [demo](http://demo.cataloggi.com/cataloggi/ 'Cataloggi Demo') page. **Support** Free plugin updates and support available. Feel free to [contact us](https://cataloggi.com/contact-us/ 'contact us') if you need any help or you have a question. Enjoy! :) = Support = Free plugin updates and support available. If you have a question feels free to [contact us](https://cataloggi.com/contact-us/ 'contact us'). == Installation == Installing Cataloggi is easy! Please follow the above steps. = Using The WordPress Dashboard = 1. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard. 1. Search for 'Cataloggi' look for the author 'Attila Abraham'. 1. Click 'Install Now'. 1. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard. 1. A new menu item 'Cataloggi' will appear in the main menu. = Uploading in WordPress Dashboard = 1. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard. 1. Navigate to the 'Upload' area. 1. Select cataloggi.zip from your computer. 1. Click 'Install Now'. 1. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard. 1. A new menu item 'Cataloggi' will appear in the main menu. = Using FTP = 1. Download cataloggi.zip. 1. Extract the cataloggi directory to your computer. 1. Upload the cataloggi to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. 1. Activate the plugin in the Plugin's dashboard. 1. A new menu item 'Cataloggi' will appear in the main menu. == Screenshots == 1. Admin Items (Products) 2. Admin Downloadable Product Data 3. Admin Orders 4. Admin Order View 5. Admin Downloads 6. Frontend Products List 7. Frontend Product View 8. Frontend Cart 9. Frontend Checkout 10. Frontend Order History 11. Frontend Order History View == Changelog == = 1.2.2: March 21, 2017 = * Tweak: Improved PayPal IPN. * Tweak: SMTP mailer added to Cataloggi's emails. * Tweak: SMTP Mailer class added. * Tweak: Admin email settings improved. * Tweak: CTP products list column Vendor changed to Author. * Tweak: Sidebar menu name Items changed to Products. * Tweak: Admin products list "no image" added. * Tweak: Improved and shorten shortcodes for themes pages. * Tweak: User account class added. * Fix: PayPal Standard process payment amount changed to item price on order items foreach. = 1.2.1: March 01, 2017 = * Fix: Breadcrumbs sub category URL fixed. Taxonomy category rewrite slug added. * Fix: Cataloggi URL, rewrite slug fixed on the Cart page. = 1.2.0: Febr 18, 2017 = * Tweak: Admin Order items managed by a new data table class. * Tweak: Admin Order items data table class added. * Tweak: Improved account order history view page. * Tweak: Improved order receipt page. * Tweak: Admin General Settings Custom Rewrite slug option added for Cataloggi's pages. * Tweak: Admin General Settings Custom Rewrite slug option added for Cataloggi's category pages. * Tweak: Improved admin general save settings page. * Tweak: Improved checkout page. * Tweak: Improved cart page. * Tweak: Item variable item_payment_type added. * Tweak: Improved amounts class. * Fix: Quick search form action changed to home_url from site_url. = 1.1.9 Febr 01, 2017 = * Tweak: Manage custom tables class added. * Tweak: Activator class improved. * Tweak: Order items table new field payment_type added. * Tweak: New gateway None added for free payments e.g. if checkout total equal to zero. * Tweak: Admin item view downloadable products show free download button option added. * Tweak: Order notifications emails Price option name added. * Fix: Order Receipt price option name var fix. = 1.1.8 Jan 24, 2017 = * Tweak: PayPal standard payments form process improved. * Tweak: New gateway None added for free payments e.g. if checkout total equal to zero. * Tweak: Admin item view downloadable products show free download button option added. * Tweak: Order notifications emails Price option name added. * Tweak: Contact Us reply-to added to the email headers. * Tweak: PayPal Standard payment gateway installed. * Tweak: Improved CTLGGI_Activator class. * Tweak: Options Version management updated on Admin class. * Tweak: Countries class added. * Fix: Order Receipt price option name var fix. * Fix: Payments form billing state jquery fix. * Fix: Checkout and Payments form fixes. * Fix: Payments form billing state foreach fix. * Fix: Login Redirect class success redirect url fix. * Fix: Admin downloads table array_reverse added for ASC order. * Fix: Login Redirect class success redirect url fix. * Fix: PayPal Standard clear cookies after PayPal IPN response. * Fix: Order Receipt colspan fix. * Fix: Order History View colspan fix. * Fix: Contact Us class sender email issue fix. * Fix: Payments Totals Illegal string offset 'order_total' and 'subtotal' fixed. * Fix: Settings Payment Gateways "None" sub menu removed. * Fix: PayPal Standard activation quick fix. * Fix: Send Order Key for all orders. Notification emails fix. * Fix: Countries functions removed. * Fix: Important fixes for countries. = 1.0.0 = * First release: Hello World! == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I contact you by email if I have questions about Cataloggi? = Sure, if you need any further information or advice, please feel free to [contact us](https://cataloggi.com/contact-us/ 'contact us'). = Where can I find more information about this plugin? = You can find more information on our website at [Cataloggi Docs](https://cataloggi.com/category/docs/cataloggi-docs/ 'Cataloggi Docs'). = How do I request features? = Please [visit us](https://cataloggi.com/contact-us/ 'visit us') and submit your idea. == Translations == * English - default, always included *Note:* Our plugin is translatable for any languages by default. This is very important for all users worldwide. So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful. Thank You!