=== Cart2Cart: nopCommerce to WooCommerce Migration === Сontributors: Cart2Cart Tags: nopCommerce to woocommerce, nopCommerce to woocommerce migration, migrate from nopCommerce to woocommerce, woocommerce, nopCommerce, migration, data transfer, import, export Requires at least: 3.1.2 Tested up to: 5.2.2 Stable tag: 4.0 License: GPLv2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html With no tech experience transfer all the necessary eCommerce entities from your current nopCommerce store to WooCommerce in a few simple steps. Data transfer is efficient and secure. Cart2Cart Support Team is available 24/7. == Description == **Supported WooCommerce versions: 1.1.x – 1.6.x, 2.x, 3.x** **Supported nopCommerce version: 3.x** Cart2Cart: nopCommerce to WooCommerce Migration Plugin is an excellent IT solution to get rid of all the data migration hassle. Migrate from nopCommerce to WooCommerce products, customers, orders and all the other required categories easily via automated data transfer service. It saves eCommerce retailers much time, money and effort. NopCommerce web-store performance won’t be affected during the migration. It will remain active and will function as usual. Setting up the connection between Source and Target carts is a matter of a few clicks. You will work within WordPress interface, without any redirections. Migration Wizard will help you all the way long. If you come up with any question, 24/7 Support is constantly available for professional assistance. **Cart2Cart: nopCommerce to WooCommerce Migration plugin is free of charge to download, there are 2 migration options after the installation:** 1. Free Demo migration — lets you perform migration of limited number of entities from your current nopCommerce to a live WooCommerce shop (if you wish you can opt for Cart2Cart test store). Demo migration will be performed within 30 mins and enables you to check the benefits Cart2Cart offers. 1. Full Migration — lets you migrate UNLIMITED amount of e-Commerce data with all the relations between them preserved. Full Migration from nopCommerce to WooCommerce price starts at $69 and will vary depending on the number of entities transferred and additional options you choose. ### Key benefits of automated migration via Cart2Cart - **Boost your business in 4 simple steps** To start automated migration you download Cart2Cart: nopCommerce to WooCommerce Migration plugin, provide both shopping carts details, install Connection Bridge to your Target store and tick the entities you’d like to import to WooCommerce. That’s it! Both stores are ready for data transfer. - **100% active nopCommerce e-store** Cart2Cart ensures there will be no traffic decrease and no financial losses. Your customers will be able to proceed with their orders and will experience no technical inconveniences. - **24/7 Support Team is ready to help** With any issue that is unclear turn to our Support Managers who are available 24/7 for professional assistance. Support Team is available via live chat, phone or tickets. - **Tech competence is not required* Cart2Cart: nopCommerce to WooCommerce Migration plugin transfers your information automatically, right after you provide the required access. Thus, you don’t need to have tech skills or hire a developer to perform accurate data migration. Migration Wizard will help you to make all the necessary settings on every step. - **Fair payment policy** With Cart2Cart you are offered a flexible pricing policy. The price for Full Migration depends on the amount of entities you import to WooCommerce and additional options you choose to extend your migration possibilities. Not more. Online Estimator will help to get the approximate migration price. - **Free Demo available** Before you make a decision to change eCommerce platform check the service quality and the benefits of automated migration. During Demo Migration a limited amount of entities will be transferred to your live WooCommerce store or test store by Cart2Cart in less than 30 minutes. Demo migration is a reasonable opportunity to check how your store will look like on WooCommerce. ### What data can be migrated from nopCommerce to WooCommerce via Cart2Cart **Products** - Name, SKU, Full Description, Status, Manufacturer, Tax Class, Price, Special Price, Special Price From-To Date, URL, Meta Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, Product Image, Additional Images, Quantity, Stock Availability, Manage Stock, Stock Status, Weight, Options (Name, Price), Product Attributes (Name, Values), Product Variants (Weight, Attributes, Quantity, Price, Additional image, Special Price), Downloadable Products (Files, Max Downloads, Number of allowed downloads, Expiration Date). **Product categories** - Name, URL, Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, Category Images. **Manufacturers** - Name, Manufacturer Images. **Taxes** - Tax Class (Name, Tax Name, Rate, Country, City, State), Tax Rates. **Customers** - First Name, Last Name, Email, Passwords, Customer Billing Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone), Customer Shipping Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone). **Orders** - ID, Order Date, Order Status, Order Products (Name, SKU, Option, Image), Custom Order Status, Product Price, Quantity, SubTotal Price, Discount Price, Tax Price, Shipping Price, Total Price, Order Comments, Order Status History, Customer Name, Email, Billing Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone), Shipping Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone). **Review** - Created Date, Status, Rate, User Name, Comment, Product . **Multistore** **Multiple languages** **For updated information on supported entities available for migration from nopCommerce to WooCommerce - check entities table here. ** ### Additional options for nopCommerce to WooCommerce automated migration * Clear current data on WooCommerce before migration * Skip product thumbnail images migration * Preserve order IDs on WooCommerce store * Strip HTML from category, product names and descriptions * Migrate images from products descriptions, categories descriptions and blog posts descriptions * Change products quantity to 100 on WooCommerce store. ==Installation== 1. Download the plugin. 1. Log in your WordPress admin panel 1. Go to Plugins > Add New > Browse. Pick Cart2Cart plugin and click “Install Now” button. 1. Activate it by clicking “Activate plugin”. 1. Find Cart2Cart plugin on the left side menu. Register Cart2Cart account and proceed with the migration setup. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does Cart2Cart supports migration of product attributes from nopCommerce to WooCommerce?= Yes, Cart2Cart supports migration of product attributes from nopCommerce. However, pay attention that products attribute names are not going to be moved. Therefore, they will be rendered just as Attribute #1, Attribute #2, etc. =Will my category images be transferred from nopCommerce to WooCommerce?= Category images are transferred only in case if they are visible on the front end. = Can I transfer my metadata to WooCommerce? = Cart2Cart supports metadata migration to WooCommerce. Online store owners can migrate their meta titles, keywords and descriptions from nopCommerce to WooCommerce store, but they need additional WordPress plugin for it. For more detailed information on metadata migration to WooCommerce go here. =Will migration from nopCommerce to WooCommerce influence the speed of my current store?= The actual migration process will not influence the speed of your current store performance. As an exception, you might experience website performance slowdown for one of the following reasons that Cart2Cart is not capable either to control or prevent: - the amount of products exceeds memory limit of your hosting plan; - wide range of third-party modules; - etc. To get more details - go here. = What is order statuses mapping? = Cart2Cart enables you to map order statuses on nopCommerce shopping cart with the corresponding ones on WooCommerce. Order status mapping helps to migrate the order data properly. Order statuses have to be created by store owner on target WooCommerce shopping cart, so that they were shown on Migration Wizard when the migration is set. Create order statuses on WooCommerce store from Admin panel and map them on the order statuses mapping field of Migration Wizard to have orders migrated properly. More details: here. == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.png 2. screenshot-2.png 3. screenshot-3.png 4. screenshot-4.png 5. screenshot-5.png 6. screenshot-6.png 7. screenshot-7.png 8. screenshot-8.png