=== career builder job search plugin === Contributors: phpmentors Author URI: http://www.phpmentors.in Plugin URL:http://www.phpmentors.in/downloads/download-career-builder-job-search-widget/ Requires at Least: 3.0 Tested Up To: 4.3 Tags:job search, job search listing, widget, wordpress, wordpress.org, Stable tag: 1.2 Simple widget which fetch jobs from careerbuilder.com api . == Description == career builder job search plugin is a simple widget which fetch jobs from careerbuilder.com api. steps required:- 1.get Developer Key from career builder website for using its api. its url is http://developer.careerbuilder.com 2.put your title, keyword(ex. php),country code(ex. IN), and number of jobs(ex. 5),number of days back to look(b/w 1-30) that's you want to show in widget. 3.Developer Key is required field without it it's api will not work.