=== Plugin Name === Contributors: janhvizdak Tags: captcha, spam, protection Requires at least: 2.2.1 Tested up to: 2.5.1 Stable tag: 1.2 A script which protects the comment form from spam. Does four ways of protection. == Description == This plug-in protects the form for posting comments from spam by 4 ways; CAPTCHA code, Session ID (which is different from PHPSESSID), Timestamp, IP Address. Also allows the webmaster to choose between fonts. == Installation == 1. Upload downloaded files to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. So that you should see something like '/wp-content/plugins/captchagodfather/' there. 1. Activate the plug-in! == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this plug-in require the GD library? = Yes! == Screenshots == 1. [http://www.thrusites.com/blog/uploads/captchagodfather-1.0.png](http://www.thrusites.com/blog/uploads/captchagodfather-1.0.png)