=== Candidate Application Form === Contributors: FlaxlandsConsulting Donate link: http://responsecoordinator.com/ Tags: Candidate Application Form Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.3 Stable tag: 4.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html This plugin allows you to easily add a candidate application form to a job vacancy post, which allows the candidate to apply for the vacancy. == Description == Posting vacancy adverts as wp-posts is a convenient way to manage a list of job vacancies on your WordPress website.

**Candidate Application Form** is a simple Plugin that will allow you to easily attach a form to each post and will enable a candidate to apply for the vacancy.

*Flaxlands Consulting* originally built the *Candidate Application Form* Plugin to fully integrate any WordPress website with our applicant tracking database - Interview Coordinator (http://www.interviewcoordinator.com). However, as part of our development and testing procedures, we also created a test plugin which simply sends a notification email containing the candidate details, along with a CV attachment.

We got some feedback which indicated that the test plugin might be useful for people who have yet to link their website with a dedicated applicant tracking system and therefore released the *Email notification* version of *Candidate Application Form* as a free Plugin under the GPF license.

In the free version the application form is limited to a fixed number of fields and will require the candidate to enter the following details:

*Email Address*

*The candidate MUST also attach a CV document* (Word or PDF format only)

You can also add an optional field which allows the candidate to enter *Additional Information* in support of their application.

The FULL version of the Candidate Application Form will allow the wp admin to add and edit the number and type of fields displayed on the application form. You can also allow a candidate to attach up to 3 associated application documents.

Where applications require candidates to enter large amounts of detailed information we have also added a function which allows candidates to first download, then complete and submit an editbale PDF file as part of their application.

The FULL version can also be configured to communicate with any appropriate API. For further details about the paid version of *Candidate Application Form* please refer to http://responsecoordinator.com/?portfolio=wordpress-plugins . == Installation == * From the WP admin panel, click "Plugins" -> "Add new".

*In the browser input box, type "Candidate Apply Form".

*Select the "Candidate Apply Plugin" plugin (authored by "Flaxlands Consulting Ltd"), and click "Install".

*Then “Activate” the plugin.

*Place the shortcode "[apply-form]" on any page, post or widget to show the apply form.
== Frequently Asked Questions == = Do you offer support on Candidate Application Form? = The free version of Candidate Application Form is a fairly simply plugin and there isn’t really much that can go wrong. However, if you find something you think doesn’t work well please feel free to contact us using any of the contact details on our website [link] http://www.responsecoordinator.com
= I’d like to insert candidate applications directly into my Applicant Tracking database (ATS). Is that possible with Candidate Application Form? = Yes, it is possible, but will depend on various factors. Part of our business is to help people build recruitment and careers websites from WordPress templates. We therefore built *Candidate Application Form* in such a way that it can be configured to link to any ATS which has a suitable API (Application Programmers Interface)

However, at the moment we have only programmed interfaces for a limited number of ATS systems. Any additional configuration/programming necessary to link Candidate Application From to a new ATS may incur a charge. Please contact us via our website (http://www.responsecoordinator.com) to enquire whether we have programmed to link to your ATS. = Is it possible to edit the fields on the Candidate Application Form? = Yes, but only with the FULL (paid) version of *Candidate Application From*. The paid version also allows you to attach an editable PDF file to one of the form fields. Using an editable PDF provides unlimited scope to create an application process which gathers as much detail as you require. == Screenshots == 1. This screen shot shows an example of what the Candidate Application Form might look like on Job Advert posted to a WordPress template site /assets/Candidate-Apply-Form-Screen-Example.png

2. This is a screen shot of the Settings page for the Candidate Application Form plugin /assets/Candidate-Apply-Form-Settings-Screen-Example.png == Changelog == = 1.3 = * Added candidate notification option = 1.2 = * General bug fixes. = 1.1 = * Added editable PDF feature = 1.0 = * The initial version of Candidate Application Form == Upgrade Notice == = 1.3 = Added candidate notification option for paid users.