=== bVerse Convert === Contributors: crossedcode Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/crossedcode/ Tags: biblegateway, biblia, bibles, bible search, reference, verse, multilingual, convert Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: 1.3.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Automatically creates links for Bible references within your WordPress content. == Description == Automatically creates links for Bible references within your WordPress content to the Bible Service of your preference. Also, as an option, it can display Bible verses inside a Popover or a Modal Dialog Box. = Special Features = * Automatically converts references from plain text to real links. You choose the Bible version and **bVerse Convert** does the rest. * Allows you to choose between multiple Bible References Services and 15+ Bible Versions * **[Live Search Bible Versions Dropdown Menu.](http://www.crossedcode.com/bverse-convert/docs/releases/12#scriptures-versions-live-search)** * Open any Bible reference in a New Window. Your visitors will always go back to your site. * Shows Bible references inside a Popover (When is available. This also depends on the selected Bible Service.) * Quick setup and straightforward options * It works! == Installation == = From Within Wordpress = 1. Visit 'Plugins > Add New' 2. Search for 'bVerse Convert' 3. Click 'Activate' button that should appear in the page or activate bVerse Convert from your Plugins page. > [Click here](http://www.crossedcode.com/bverse-convert/docs/installation/from-within-wordpress) to see the complete process. = Manual Installation = 1. Download the plugin 2. Unzip the plugin ZIP file 3. Upload the entire `bverse-convert` folder to your Wordpress `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress Dashboard. 5. You will find a new menu item called 'bVerse Convert' in your WordPress Dashboard sidebar. == Translations == Since `v1.3.3` **bVerse Convert** begun making use of the language packs WordPress offers. Wordpress provides everyone an easy way to support plugins with translations, in our case you can do so by visiting [this link](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/bverse-convert) and suggesting translations. == Frequently Asked Questions == = For whom we created bVerse Convert? = For everyone! If you have a WordPress site which has Bible references in its content, bVerse Convert is a good option. = Is bVerse Convert really useful? = Just imagine having to write 10 Bible references into a WordPress post and then going back and forth linking them to where you want people to read the references. That's something pretty exhausting, actually, is something painful. Why not just write the references and have the certainty that when you submit your post all those references will be automatically converted into links to your desired service and Bible Version? This is basically the best practice and should save you a lot of work and time. That's exactly what bVerse Convert does for you and your site. = Which are the Bible Services that bVerse uses? = * BibleGateway.com * Biblia.com * Bibles.org == Screenshots == 1. `bVerse Convert` Options Panel 2. Scriptures/Bible Version live search and filtering 3. Options for Bibles.org References as Service 4. BibleGateway.com Popover Preview 5. Biblia.com Popover Preview 6. Bibles.org Modal Box (Fancybox) Preview == Docs & Support == You can find [docs](https://www.crossedcode.com/bverse-convert/docs/), [FAQ](https://www.crossedcode.com/bverse-convert/faq/) and more detailed information about bVerse Convert at [crossedcode.com/bverse-convert](https://www.crossedcode.com/bverse-convert/). == Support bVerse Convert == If you are willing to support **bVerse Convert** you can just download, install and share the plugin with others, that's more than enough. If you are willing to go a little further and would like to support with a small tip, you can do so by visiting the following url [https://www.paypal.me/crossedcode](https://www.paypal.me/crossedcode) == Changelog == For more information, see [Releases](https://www.crossedcode.com/bverse-covert/docs/releases/). = = * Minor changes. Removed older versions (tags). We will now be working from v1.3.x. We also updated the plugin Readme so it reflects is compatible with Wordpress 3.8. = = * Added `trunk` as stable tag. This was something missing or wrongly used in previous versions and, in someway, it made the plugin localization a little bit confusing since now bVerse uses Wordpress language packs. = = * Important plugin instructions were updated and now are cleaner. Less clutter. * Plugin description on the `readme` file was updated according to latest updates. = 1.3.3 = * Removed `languages` directory. bVerse Convert now will solely rely on Wordpress.org Language Packs which are provided by the community. * Bible Language files for BibleGateway service were combined. = 1.3.2 = * Fixed available translatable strings and language files. = 1.3.1 = * Fixed a jQuery bug which wasn't enqueueing the library correctly. Details on [1.3.1](http://www.crossedcode.com/bverse-convert/docs/releases/13/131#fixed-a-jquery-bug-which-wasnt-enqueueing-the-library-correctly) * Added Bibles.org Service shortcode. This will make it easier to tag **non-standard verse forms**. Details on [1.3.1](http://www.crossedcode.com/bverse-convert/docs/releases/13/131#added-bibles-org-service-shortcode) **Usage**: `[bversebibles title="Genesis 1:3"]v.3[/bversebibles]` * Fixed the Option for showing Credits while Bibles.org was selected. Previously they weren't showing. * Fixed some CSS issues for the Credits Option. = 1.3 = * Now you can select **Bilbles.org** as your main Scriptures Reference service. Just like **BibleGateway.com** and **Biblia.com**, it will allow you to open references in a New Window and display a Popover with references inside. Details on [1.3](https://www.crossedcode.com/bverse-convert/docs/releases/13) * Bibles.org "Popover Option" is a little different, it's actually called "Fancybox" and also known as "Lightbox". This opens references in a modal popup window letting your visitors read references in context and giving them the opportunity to jump back to what they were reading right away. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.3.4 = Removed older versions. We will now be working from v1.3.x Updated the plugin readme so it reflects is compatible with Wordpress 3.8