=== Buy Sell Ads === Tags: adblock, advertise, monetize, affiliate, anti-adblock, buy sell ads Contributors: madeinthayaland Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=thaya.kareeson@gmail.com¤cy_code=USD&amount=&return=&item_name=Donate+a+cup+of+coffee+or+two+to+support+Buy+Sell+Ads+WordPress+plugin. Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 2.8.4 Stable Tag: 0.5.5 This plugin helps you easily integrate Buy Sell Ads with anti-AdBlock measures. == Description == This simple plugin helps you easily integrate your Buy Sell Ads zones and includes anti-AdBlock meaures to prevent AdBlock (and similar software) from blocking the advertisement. You might ask "Why would I want to do that?". Here is why: 1. AdBlock lowers your ad impression statistics tracked by Buy Sell Ads, which makes your advertisement spot lose value. 2. Buy Sell Ads advertisers will have an extra incentive to advertise on your site because AdBlock will not be able to block their ads. = Features = * Easy Buy Sell Ads zone integration. All you need is a zone ID! * Anti-AdBlock protection. Nonce regenerates regularly. * Buy Sell Ads widget that support multiple zones. * Customizable CSS. * Ability to disable "Advertise Here" box when no ad is present. * Ability to nofollow advertisement links. * Ability to specify pre/post zone HTML. * Ability to specify pre/post widget HTML. == Installation == 1. Upload the plugin to your plugins folder: 'wp-content/plugins/' 2. Make sure 'wp-content/plugins/buy-sell-ads/cache' is writeable by the web server. (try 'chmod 777 wp-content/plugins/buy-sell-ads/cache') 3. Activate the 'Buy Sell Ads' plugin from the Plugins admin panel. 4. Go to the Appearance -> Widgets to add the Buy Sell Ads widget and add your Buy Sell Ads zones to the widget. 5. (optional) For non-sidebar ads, you may modify your theme to include the lines where 1234567 is your zone ID. == Upgrade == Make sure you visit the Buy Sell Ads plugin options page after upgrading and check if you need to click the "Reactivate" button to get the latest new options. == Frequently Asked Questions == = I can't get it to work! I'm frustrated! = Please take a look at documentation available on the [plugin page](http://omninoggin.com/projects/wordpress-plugins/buy-sell-ads-wordpress-plugin/) to see if any of them can help you. If not, feel free to post your issues on the appropriate [plugin support forum](http://omninoggin.com/forum). I will try my best to help you resolve any issues that you are having. == Changelog == = 0.5.5 = * Added ability to display "Advertise Here" banners on all unsold slots. * Removing caching capabilities as it interferes with statistics. = 0.5.4 = * Fixed statistics bug. * Separate Changlog into its own section in readme.txt. = 0.5.3 = * Fixed Nofollow bug which causes banners to always do follow. = 0.5.2 = * Fixed "Advertise Here" not redirecting to BSA.com. = 0.5.1 = * Fixed corner case that causes ads to not show up. = 0.5 = * Fixed for encrypting BSA statistics JS script (So BSA counter does not get blocked and your stats are more accurate on buysellads.com). * Cleaned up some code. Also updated to circumvent the updated Easylist. = 0.4.1 = * Fixed upgrade bug that triggers upgrade in one corner case. = 0.4 = * Theme insertion can overwrite "show ad here" and "nofollow" settings. * Minor optimization by moving proxy to plugins_loaded hook. * Automatic upgrading by visiting any wp-admin page. * Few minor bug fixes. = 0.3.1 = * Added check for cache directory permissions. * Added ability to nofollow advertisement links. * Added ability to disable anti-AdBlock (for performance). * Fixed known compatibility with WP Super Cache. = 0.3 = * Added CSS cutomizability. * Added ability to disable "Advertise Here" box. = 0.2.1 = * Slightly improved performance with JS caching * Improved anti-adblock measures again = 0.2 = * Nonce key regenerates automatically * Improved anti-adblock measures = 0.1.1 = *Fixed before_widget not showing up *Fixed proxy issues = 0.1 = * Initial release == Screenshots == 1. Widget configuration 2. Zone ID example