=== Bulma Shortcodes === Contributors: bartboy011 Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/bartboy011 Tags: shortcodes Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html This plugin adds a collection of WordPress shortcodes for Bulma components as well as a simple TinyMCE dropdown to use them. == Description == This plugin adds a collection of WordPress shortcodes for [Bulma](http://bulma.io/) components as well as a simple TinyMCE dropdown to add them. == Installation == 1. Ensure that you have the most recent version of Bulma CSS added to your theme. 2. Upload the plugin files to `/wp-content/plugins/plugin-name` or install directly through WordPress. 3. Activate the plugin! == Changelog == = 1.0 = * Initial release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0 = This is the initial release. == Screenshots == 1. The Bulma shortcode dropdown in the editor. 2. Example of an inserted shortcode. == Usage == The easiest way to add shortcodes is through the Bulma dropdown in the WordPress editor. Alternatively, you can manually type out the shortcodes. ### Columns Columns are used to create a responsive grid: ` [bulma-columns] [bulma-column] Your content... [/bulma-column] [bulma-column] Your content... [/bulma-column] [/bulma-columns] ` The `[bulma-column]` shortcode accepts a type argument: ` [bulma-column type="is-8"][/bulma-column] ` Due to limitations within the WordPress shortcode system, nesting identical shortcodes will break. To work around this, there are additional shortcodes you can use that will also produce columns: ` // Will break [bulma-columns] [bulma-column] [bulma-columns] [bulma-column][/bulma-column] [bulma-column][/bulma-column] [/bulma-columns] [/bulma-column] [bulma-column] [bulma-columns] [bulma-column][/bulma-column] [bulma-column][/bulma-column] [/bulma-columns] [/bulma-column] [/bulma-columns] // Will Work [bulma-columns] [bulma-column] [bulma-columns-1] [bulma-column-1][/bulma-column-1] [bulma-column-1][/bulma-column-1] [/bulma-columns-1] [/bulma-column] [bulma-column] [bulma-columns-1] [bulma-column-1][/bulma-column-1] [bulma-column-1][/bulma-column-1] [/bulma-columns-1] [/bulma-column] [/bulma-columns] ` You can nest up to five levels deep with this system (column, column-1, column-2, column-3, column-4). ### Button Creates the tag `Your Content`. Accepts three arguments: * `type` - Accepts class names - defaults to 'is-primary' * `link` - Accepts strings - defaults to '#' * `icon` - Accepts valid [font-awesome](http://fontawesome.io/) icon names Ex: `[bulma-button type="is-primary" link="www.example.com" icon="github"]Star on GitHub[/bulma-button]`. ### Icon Creates the tag ` ` ### Menu Creates a Bulma menu. Ex: ` [bulma-menu] [bulma-menu-label]Label[/bulma-menu-label] [bulma-menu-list]Item1|Item2[/bulma-menu-list] [/bulma-menu] `