=== Bueno Gato Free Popup Creator === Contributors: codingpuss Donate link: Tags: popup, unblockable, jquery, popups, announcement, offers, ads, advertising tool, advertisment, newsletters, optin, widget, plugin, post, image Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: 1.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Create popup, newsletter modal boxes with ease. Edit the popup as you see it. == Description == Popup is a great way to catch visitor attention. You may wonder how you can create an elegant popup appears after few seconds the visitor enters your site or when they are about to leave without making them frustrated. You find everything you need with Bueno Gato Free Popup Creator. With Bueno Gato Free Popup Creator, you can create popups, modals for build your list or offer your newsletters. = Features = * Create popups that don't annoy people. * Easy create newsletters form to your website * Easy set popup positions around the screen * Responsive popup, popups resize based on screen's size * Create unblockable popups. Popups that don't get caught by Ad blockers * Popups appears when the visitor exit the website * Popups appear after a pre-defined amount of time * Change the colors of the popups * Easy, simple edit system with no coding skill required. Edit the popup as you see it. * Works perfectly with a wide range of autoresponders * Add videos, images to your popup = Upgrade now for more cool features = Do you want more cool popups templates? Upgrade today to get access to WP Lead Plus - The ultimate plugin that allow you to create squeeze pages, popups and widgets. All great features that help you build your list fast in one plugins. = WP Lead Plus cool features: = * Create squeeze pages from more than 15 high converting, attractive, responsive squeeze page templates * Create popups from 7 beautiful designed, responsive templates * Create squeeze pages with backgrounds * Squeeze pages, popups work well on mobile devices * Multiple color choice * Work with all popluar autoresponder services (and not so popular services too) * Different choices of colors * [Upgrade to the Pro Version Now!»](http://wpleadplus.com/?src=wp.org) == Installation == 1. Install the plugin as you do with other plugin from wordpress.org (install in the dashboard or upload the plugin to wp-content/plugins folder via FTP) 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Go to Settings under Bueno Gato Popup and click on complete setup == Frequently asked questions == = How can I get help? = Please send an email to t2dx.inc (at) gmail.com. == Screenshots == 1. 1.jpg 2. 2.jpg 3. 3.jpg