=== Plugin Name === Contributors: MrMaz Donate link: http://shop.presscrew.com/shop/buddypress-groupomatic/ Tags: buddypress, automatic, groups, extended, profile, xprofile Requires at least: 3.0, BuddyPress 1.5.x Tested up to: 3.3, BuddyPress 1.5.x Stable tag: 1.0.2 BuddyPress Group-O-Matic automatically adds members to groups based on extended profile field responses. == Description == #### What is Group-O-Matic? Group-O-Matic is an extension of the BuddyPress Extended Profile component, and is configured from the extended profile Edit Field screen. [vimeo http://vimeo.com/37754800] > *If you are anxious to try it out, go to the fully functional demo at http://demo.presscrew.com/* This plugin is different than other plugins with similar functionality in two very big ways: 1. It does not require any additional database tables, nor does it modify any of the existing tables. 1. The decision to match a member to a group can be based on their responses to extended profile fields. The major features are: * Match groups using their Name, Slug, or ID * Match groups based on member response data using a flexible macro. * Add members to a specific group based on a Yes/No type of field. * Toggle automatic joining on/off without losing your settings. A [pro version](http://shop.presscrew.com/shop/buddypress-groupomatic/) is available which adds: * Force Edit Profile - members can't navigate the site unless their profile is complete. * Group Activity Tab - an additional tab is added to the activity stream under which only activity for the matching group is displayed. * Wildcard Pattern Matching - supports using meta-characters like: *, ?, [abc] * PCRE Pattern Matching - for absolute control over the matching algorithm. * Premium Support - get professional support directly from the plugin's author. You can see all of Group-O-Matic's features in action by watching the [demo video](http://vimeo.com/37754800) == Screenshots == 1. Configuration options (free version) 2. Configuration options (with pro extension) 3. Inline documentation == Installation == No special installation steps are required. BuddyPress Group-O-Matic was developed on WordPress 3.3.x and BuddyPress 1.5.x, however I would like to support earlier versions of WordPress 3.x, so please send in those bug reports. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.1 = As of BuddyPress 1.6 the x-profile editor has moved to Users->Profile Fields = 1.0 = Not applicable == Changelog == = 1.0.2 = * Added multi-line select box support = 1.0.1 = * More obvious dashboard menu item * Updated dashboard hooks to integrate properly with BuddyPress 1.6.x = 1.0 = * Initial release == Frequently Asked Questions == = What is the license? = Released under the [GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 2.0](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) or later All original code is Copyright (c) 2012 [Marshall Sorenson](http://marshallsorenson.com/). All rights reserved. = Where can I find documentation? = The documentation is inline, and is found immediately next to the Group-O-Matic settings on the extended profile Edit Field screen. = Where can I get support? = There are two levels of support. * For support on the community version, head over the this plugin's [official group](http://buddypress.org/community/groups/buddypress-groupomatic/home/) on BuddyPress.org * For premium support on the community and pro versions, head over to the Press Crew [premium plugin forums](http://community.presscrew.com/discussion/premium-plugins/). = Where can I report a bug? = Please post bugs as a new topic to the plugin's [official group](http://buddypress.org/community/groups/buddypress-groupomatic/home/) forums on BuddyPress.org = Where can I buy the pro version? = The pro version is available in the [Press Crew Shop](http://shop.presscrew.com/shop/buddypress-groupomatic/)