=== Plugin Name === Contributors: apeatling Tags: buddypress, twitter, aggregation, groups, feeds Requires at least: WordPress 2.9.1 / BuddyPress 1.2 Tested up to: WordPress MU 2.9.2 / BuddyPress 1.2 Stable tag: 1.2 Attach Twitter accounts to a BuddyPress group then aggregate and track tweets within that group. == Description == Attach Twitter accounts to a BuddyPress group then aggregate and track tweets within that group. Group tweets will be pulled automatically every hour, or every 30 minutes if someone visits a group home page. == Installation == Drop the buddypress-group-twitter folder into your wp-content/plugins directory. Activate the plugin. To begin using the plugin, create a group. You will see a new group creation step where you can add twitter accounts. Existing groups can use the plugin by hitting the "Admin" link within the group and adding twitter accounts. == Changelog == = 1.2 = * Fixes for BuddyPress 1.2 final, as well as better cron support for auto-updates. = 1.1 = * Updated the plugin to support BuddyPress 1.2 = 1.0.2 = * Fixed missing nav icon. = 1.0.1 = * Fixed tweet duplication bug. = 1.0 = * First version, November 26, 2009.